A Quick Move to the Cloud Could Save Your Business

A Quick Move to the Cloud Could Save Your Business

A Quick Move to the Cloud Could Save Your Business

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting people and businesses worldwide, many companies are in a state of uncertainty and flux. The companies that can feasibly move to fully remote operations have begun taking the steps necessary to stay connected and keep business channels flowing as smoothly as possible during such a dramatic change in the business landscape.

This is a sudden and unplanned move for many companies, and businesses are doing the best they can to implement and adjust to the systems they need to keep their companies up and running while maintaining the recommended social distancing protocols recommended by the CDC to limit the spread of the virus. 

The good news is that cloud software companies have been building communication systems in the cloud for years, alongside the growing demand from companies who are switching to the cloud for everything from communications and video systems to project management, analytics, and customer care solutions. 

The business shift to the cloud is a trend that has been gaining momentum for years, and the global pandemic we’re experiencing has certainly expedited this trend as the urgency for tools to support remote work surge.

Leading companies in the cloud software space are ready to help companies make the move to the cloud, and have responded positively to the current climate of business uncertainty by offering extended free trials of services to help companies go remote quickly. Moving communications to the cloud, at least temporarily, is doable (and quickly) thanks to the work and dedication of cloud-based software companies, particularly in the VoIP, Video Conferencing, and Contact Center spaces.

But what are the steps you can take to benefit your business longevity and prevent downtime, lost business, and plummeting profits in times of crisis?

However disconcerting the current state of the world’s health and economics are in the moment, moving to cloud now can have business-saving benefits in the short-term and set your business up with protections against crises that may arise in the future to threaten the modern business landscape and how people work. 

The Immediate Benefits of Moving Your Business to the Cloud

Moving your business to the cloud can have immediate benefits, particularly in the current situation of unprecedented remote work. 

Portability and Mobility

The need for business tools that are both secure and accessible from remote locations has grown substantially in just a few weeks as more companies move to remote work as a way to keep business flowing while also social distancing to combat the pandemic. 

One of the biggest advantages of moving your business to the cloud right now is the immediate portability and mobility of your business. Cloud systems are accessible through an internet connection, which can give your company all the tools you need to conduct your business from home, minimizing the impact of working without having an office or travelling for meetings.

All the tools you and your company need to continue working on company initiatives can be accessed on desktops, laptops, or via mobile apps on smart phones and tablet. 


Cloud systems have become extremely popular for businesses in recent years, largely due to the cost-saving associated with running on cloud systems. There are typically no upfront investments in hardware, and cloud companies offer all different levels of plans to meet your needs and your budgets. 

Cloud-based software companies also take care of all the system maintenance, upgrades, and security protections needed to keep your business systems up and operational without downtimes or interruptions. This is included in your monthly fees, and can reduce the amount you need to spend on an internal IT team to monitor and maintain systems. 

Quick Implementations

The implementation of cloud software systems is relatively fast, especially compared with extensive on-site system set-ups that require hardware and ongoing oversight and maintenance. 

Moving your business communications and operations to the cloud may seem daunting, time-consuming, and costly, but cloud software companies are experts in implementations and many are putting extra measures in place to expedite cloud implementations for companies that need to make a swift shift to the cloud to keep their business running during the current global health crisis created by the Coronavirus. 

Cloud software tools are quick to implement, easily accessible, user-friendly to ensure a smooth transition for your team as they adjust to a remote work environment. Leveraging cloud tools means that your teams don’t have to give up or work without essential tools they need to do their work. They’ll simply access them from home and with internal support and training, most employees make the transition easily.

Business Adaptability and Continuity in Crisis

Cloud systems ensure that your business is mobile, portable, and agile. This means that your business can continue to function through remote work and will become less susceptible to crises and threats such as the current COVID-19 pandemic the world is experiencing. 

Operating your business in the cloud gives you flexibility and the ability to adapt to shifts in global trends with more ease. If you can run your business from anywhere, you’re more prepared to deal with anything that comes along in the future. 

Cloud Software Companies’ Response to COVID-19

In response to the crisis, many cloud-based communication and collaboration software vendors are stepping up to meet the challenge and aid the sudden shift to remote work with extended free trials and other tools to help companies stay connected and make the transition to remote work as seamlessly as possible. 

Others are offering expedited cloud migrations and implementations so that you can get all your business systems and operations running smoothly in the cloud for your newly remote business, with limited downtime, interruptions, and stress. 

Wheelhouse Can Help You Move Your Business to the Cloud

If you need help choosing the best cloud-based tools to support successful remote work, our team is here to help! 

We have relationships with all the leading software vendors, and we’re happy to connect you with vendors and set up complimentary appointments to get you the tools you need for operating your business remotely. 

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