Contact Center Reporting Comparison

Contact Center Reporting Comparison

Contact Center Reporting Comparison

Contact center management, like many other business systems, is only as good as the tracking and analytics capabilities that they are equipped with. An effective contact center/CRM solution is capable of tracking a multitude of measurable aspects of performance and allows the opportunity to refine service details to create more effective contact center management customer interactions when it comes to your contact center management. Most contact center management software comes equipped with reporting capabilities of some kind out of the box, and many more offer customizable reports and menus to more effectively track performance.

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Why Contact Center Reporting Matters

Reporting in your contact center management system should allow your business a glimpse into the dynamics of typical customer contact center management. These reports should be able to define areas that typically leave customers dissatisfied or areas in which employee performance can be improved in order to streamline your handling processes and create more effective contact center management.

Without these reporting tools, your business cannot begin to effectively monitor and improve call handling. These systems are designed to help reduce expenses and to improve customer satisfaction and allow you to have access to the data that will let you make informed decisions.

Common Contact Center Reporting Options

Most contact center management solutions will contain some variation of basic reporting such as call times, service quality aspects, and other essential information. These allow your business’s contact center management to ensure that your employees are making the most efficient use of time and resources from contact center management to satisfy customer needs and generate new business.

The best way to stay on top of contact center management is by following these rules of thumb:

Establish benchmarks

It is always advisable to measure your company’s contact center management system analytics against other companies’ contact center management systems. This would allow you to understand the industry standards of a contact center management system and help you strive to achieve that standard

Envision the bigger picture

Hone in on what are the fundamentals of your contact center management. This would help you serve those objectives of your contact center management and give the best customer service your loyal customers expect from contact center management. 

Track your contact center management goals for the future

It is important to set goals for your contact center management and track to see if you are on track to achieving those goals. Using the contact center management reporting metrics mentioned below, you can seek to improve your company’s contact center management to be more efficient and make your brand synonymous with good customer care. 

Some of the more common reporting options available out of the box for most contact center management systems are:

  • Call time metrics
  • Call quality
  • Agent scripting
  • Service quality
  • Conversion rates

These are examples of the basic mechanisms that enable your business to effectively track the contact center management performance of both your representatives and your approach to dealing with your customers. These reporting options can give you a glimpse into the efficacy of your strategy and approach while allowing contact center management performance transparency and an increased level of accountability.

Detailed Reporting for Contact Center

More and more contact center management and CRM systems incorporate intensely detail-oriented reporting options to better understand the dynamics of customer interactions and to help suggest areas for improvement. Some of these options are available out of the box with certain contact center management systems, while others are custom created from a wide variety of contact center management options available with more detail-oriented systems.

While there is an infinite array of possible contact center management reporting options that can be created, some that have already been deployed and created are:

  • First contact resolution (FCR)
    This reporting feature can help you understand how effective your contact center management system such  as that of ClickMeeting is at resolving a customer query within the first call. No customer wants to go around talking from agent to agent when calling in with a concern. The higher the rate on this measure is indicative of a higher customer satisfaction rating. 
  • Detailed reporting on abandoned and rejected calls
    Measures the percentage of customers that hang up before being connected to an agent. This measure is dependent on how much staff and call volume of the contact center management system is in place. 
  • Level of service
    contact center management via call centers service level measures how quickly inbound calls are responded to. The most common metric used to measure this rate is the 80/20 global call center standard where 80% of calls are attended to within 20 seconds of the customer calling in. 
  • Blocked calls reports
    This is a measure of the number of calls that your contact center management system wasn’t able to attend to and the customers received a busy tone. Usually, this only happens when all contact center management agents are busy all at once but this could also be indicative of how understaffed your contact center may be. 
  • Average wait time (AWT)
    This is a percentage of the average times a caller had to be in queue waiting to be attended to by your contact center management system. According to research by Customer Management Institute survey, customers do not like to idle for more than 2 minutes when calling in for a customer service query. 
  • Average handle time (AHT)
    This is a measure of how long it takes for a contact center management customer service interaction to be from start to finish. This timing begins from the time a customer’s call connects to your contact center management system and clouds when your agent is done with the call and can move on to the next. 

These detailed reports allow businesses to effectively target specific aspects of the contact process and analyze them in order to improve performance or to reveal consistent breaks in the process.

Depending on the size and scope of your business’ contact center and staff, different reporting options and packages may perform differently. Isolating the specific areas that you would like to monitor for improvement should provide a starting point for the types of reporting that will be necessary for your contact center management suite.


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