The Outbound Lead Generation Strategies of Top B2B Marketers

The Outbound Lead Generation Strategies of Top B2B Marketers

Choosing the best lead generation strategies and finding the best lead generation partner are both imperative in filling your pipeline with qualified leads that are poised for conversions and sales.  

We speak with leading B2B marketers every day about how to generate qualified pipeline and drive sales growth by utilizing outbound lead generation strategies. In our interactions with software vendors, we've honed top outbound strategies such as targeted email campaigns, personalization, and leveraging social media and industry events to connect with potential customers and will share tips for you below.

Top Outbound Lead Generation Strategies for Building Qualified Pipeline

Some of the best outbound lead generation strategies for building a qualified pipeline that is primed for conversions and sales include:

Email Campaigns

One of the critical lead generation strategies that B2B marketers are using to generate qualified pipeline is targeted email campaigns. By segmenting their email lists and crafting tailored messages for specific segments, marketers can reach their target audience with highly relevant messaging that resonates and drives engagement. Personalization is also becoming increasingly crucial in B2B lead generation, with marketers using tools like marketing automation to create customized campaigns for individual prospects and reduce spend on B2B marketing efforts.

Social Media & Industry Events

Another of the lead generation strategies that B2B marketers are using to generate qualified pipeline is leveraging social media and industry events. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are becoming powerful tools for B2B marketers to connect with potential customers, share thought leadership content, and build relationships. Industry events, such as trade shows and conferences, also provide valuable opportunities for B2B marketers to connect with potential customers, showcase their products and services, and generate qualified leads as part of their lead generation strategies.

Conversational Lead Generation

However, as the competition is getting fierce, B2B Marketers also started to focus on lead generation strategies such as conversational lead generation. By creating a conversational experience, B2B marketers can build trust, establish relationships, and generate qualified pipeline in a professional and conversational style. This is done by creating a human-like experience that allows prospects to ask questions, get answers and naturally explore the products or services. An excellent example of lead generation strategies at work is using chatbots to engage visitors on the website and direct them to the right resources or representatives.

The conversational lead generation strategies are a process in which businesses engage with potential customers through chatbots or other messaging platforms to generate leads and nurture them until they are ready to purchase. This approach has become increasingly important in sales and marketing, as it provides a more personal, human-like experience for potential customers than traditional lead generation methods such as cold-calling or email blasts. Understanding the difference in MQLs vs. HQLs is important in this particular strategy to maximize your efforts.

The use of conversational lead generation strategies is on the rise, as more businesses recognize the benefits it can bring.

According to a study by Drift, 82% of consumers prefer to use messaging to communicate with businesses, and businesses are responding to this demand by investing in conversational lead generation solutions. In addition, the use of chatbots has increased by over 400% in the past two years. This trend is expected to continue, with experts predicting that by 2025, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human agent.

One of the most significant advantages of conversational lead generation strategies is providing a personalized experience for potential customers. Businesses can use chatbots or other messaging platforms to engage in one-on-one conversations with potential customers, answering their questions and addressing their concerns in real-time. This interaction allows businesses to build rapport with potential customers and develop a deeper understanding of their needs, which is essential for generating high-quality leads.

Another key benefit of conversational lead generation strategies is its ability to generate leads at scale. Unlike traditional lead generation methods, which are often time-consuming and resource-intensive, conversational lead generation can be automated, allowing businesses to reach a large number of potential customers quickly. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses with limited resources and need to maximize their investment return.

In addition to generating leads, using the best lead generation strategies can also help businesses to nurture those leads and convert them into customers. By using chatbots or other messaging platforms, businesses can keep potential customers engaged and informed, providing them with the information they need to purchase. This type of engagement can help to build trust and establish a relationship with potential customers, which is critical for converting them into paying customers. The numbers support the success of conversational lead generation.

According to a study by Hubspot, businesses that use chatbots for lead generation see a 70% increase in conversions compared to those that don't. In addition, a study by Drift found that businesses that use conversational lead generation see a 50% increase in deal size compared to those that don't.

These statistics demonstrate the significant impact that conversational lead generation strategies can have on a business's bottom line and showcase how lead management software can convert sales. Conversational lead generation is a critical component of modern sales and marketing strategies. By providing a personalized experience for potential customers and generating leads at scale, conversational lead generation can transform how businesses generate and nurture leads, resulting in higher conversions and increased revenue. Businesses that invest in conversational lead generation strategies will be well-positioned to take advantage of this growing trend and reap the benefits of this powerful tool.

Whitepapers & eBooks

B2B marketers are also using a variety of tactics to nurture leads and move them through the funnel. This includes creating valuable content, such as whitepapers and ebooks, that educate prospects and establish the company as a thought leader in the industry. Additionally, B2B marketers are using webinars and other interactive content, such as demos and free trials, to engage prospects and generate qualified pipeline.

B2B marketers are using various outbound lead generation strategies to generate qualified pipeline and drive sales growth. Targeted email campaigns, personalization, leveraging social media and industry events, conversational lead generation strategies and nurturing leads are some of the strategies used effectively by B2B marketers. By using these lead generation strategies and tactics, B2B marketers can generate qualified pipeline in a professional and conversational style, and ultimately drive sales growth for their business.

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How to Evaluate the Right B2B Lead Generation Partners

Evaluating the right B2B lead generation strategies and partners is crucial for software vendors looking to expand their customer base and drive sales growth with lead generation. Finding the right partners can help software vendors to reach new markets, generate qualified leads, and ultimately increase revenue. However, with so many lead generation options available, it can be difficult to know where to start and how to evaluate the best partners for your business. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating B2B lead generation strategies and partners.

Experience and Track Record

The first thing to look for when evaluating B2B lead generation strategies and partners is their experience and track record. Look for partners that have a proven track record of generating qualified leads and driving sales growth for software vendors in your industry. Ask for case studies and testimonials from previous clients, and look for partners that have experience working with companies similar to yours. A lead generation company works with your teams to ensure maximum value and lead delivery.

Target Audience

It is important to consider the target audience of the lead generation strategies and partner. Some lead generation partners specialize in a particular industry, while others may focus on a specific geographic region or company size. Make sure that the partner you choose has experience working with the target audience that you are looking to reach.

Lead Generation Strategies and Tactics

Look for partners that use a variety of lead generation strategies and tactics, such as targeted email campaigns, social media marketing, and events. This will ensure that you have a wide range of options for reaching your target audience and generating qualified leads.

Nurturing and Follow-Up

Evaluate how the lead generation partner handles lead generation strategies, nurturing, and follow-up. Look for partners that have a well-defined process for nurturing leads and moving them through the funnel. It is also important to know if they have a dedicated team for this task or if it is an automated process.

Cost and Scalability

Consider the cost and scalability of the lead generation strategies planned by your partner. Look for partners with flexible pricing and services to meet your needs as your business grows. It is also important to clearly understand which lead generation tactic will be most beneficial, so you can budget accordingly.

Data Privacy and Compliance

Data Privacy and Compliance is becoming a crucial aspect for B2B lead generation strategies. Make sure that the lead generation partner you select is compliant with the relevant data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Communication and Transparency

Good communication and transparency are key when working with lead generation strategies and partners. Look for partners that are responsive and easy to work with and that provide regular updates and reporting on the progress of their lead generation efforts.

Evaluating the right B2B lead generation strategies and partner for software vendor lead generation is critical when looking to expand customer base and drive sales growth. By considering factors such as experience and track record, target audience, lead generation tactics, nurturing and follow-up, cost and scalability, data privacy and compliance, and communication and transparency, software vendors can make an informed decision and select a partner to help them reach their business goals.

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