How to Reduce Wasted Spend in Your B2B Marketing Efforts

How to Reduce Wasted Spend in Your B2B Marketing Efforts

Reducing wasted spend in B2B lead generation and marketing efforts is crucial for maximizing ROI and achieving business goals. We speak with B2B marketing and demand gen leaders every day who are looking for ways to generate high quality leads without wasted spend. Based on these interactions and our experience working with software vendors, below we share some of our top tips for reducing wasted spend while still delivering the quality and volume lead gen you need to fill your sales pipeline and achieve your business goals. 

Here are some strategies that B2B marketers can use to reduce wasted spend and optimize their marketing budget:

Conduct a Marketing Audit

Conduct a thorough audit of your current marketing efforts to identify areas where you are overspending or underperforming. This can help you to identify areas where you can cut costs, reallocate budget, or improve performance.

According to a study by Gartner, companies that conduct regular marketing audits have a 12% higher return on investment.

Use Marketing Automation

Marketing automation tools can help B2B marketers to streamline their marketing efforts, automate repetitive tasks, and reduce wasted spend.

According to a study by the Annuitas Group, companies that use marketing automation see a 451% increase in qualified leads.

Utilize Data and Analytics

Leverage data and analytics to gain insights into your target audience, track the performance of your marketing efforts, and optimize your campaigns. By using data and analytics, B2B marketers can identify which channels and tactics are driving the most conversions and adjust their budget accordingly. Understanding the differences of MQLs and HQLs is important when determining what data to capture and how to measure your results in analytics.

According to a study by eMarketer, data-driven companies are 6% more profitable than their peers.

Focus on Lead Quality

Rather than focusing on lead quantity, focus on lead quality. By generating high-quality leads, B2B marketers can reduce wasted spend on ineffective lead generation tactics and increase the chances of converting leads into customers.

According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 91% of B2B marketers prioritize lead quality over lead quantity.

Invest in Content Marketing

Content marketing can be an effective way to generate leads and reduce wasted spend. By creating valuable and informative content, B2B marketers can attract and engage their target audience and generate leads at a fraction of the cost of traditional outbound marketing tactics.

According to a study by Demand Metric, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.

Test and Experiment

Continuously test and experiment with different marketing tactics, channels, and strategies. This can help B2B marketers to identify which tactics are working and which are not, and adjust their budget accordingly. Understanding all of the best outbound lead generation strategies will help support your success.

According to a study by CMO Council, companies that continuously test and experiment have a 176% higher conversion rate.


Outsourcing some of your marketing tasks can be a great way to reduce wasted spend and improve performance. By outsourcing tasks such as lead generation, content creation, or data analysis to experts, you can reduce the need for in-house resources and improve the quality of your marketing efforts.

According to a study by Deloitte, companies that outsource lead generation see a 12% increase in leads.

Leverage Verified Content Syndication

First and foremost, verified content syndication programs are a top lead generation strategy which allow B2B marketers to reach a highly targeted and engaged audience. These programs work by distributing high-quality content to a network of verified and reputable publishers, who then share the content with their own audiences. This means that B2B marketers can reach a highly relevant audience of decision-makers and influencers who are actively looking for information and solutions in their industry.

Additionally, verified content syndication programs provide a unique opportunity for B2B marketers to establish their brand as a thought leader in their industry. By sharing valuable and informative content, B2B marketers can position themselves as experts in their field and build trust and credibility with their target audience. This can lead to more qualified lead management that drives growth and sales.

Moreover, verified content syndication programs also offer a cost-effective way to generate leads. Instead of investing in expensive and time-consuming outbound lead generation tactics, B2B marketers can leverage the reach and audience of verified publishers to generate leads at a fraction of the cost. This way, B2B marketers can maximize their ROI and make the most of their marketing budget.

Another great advantage of verified content syndication programs is the ability to track and measure the results. These programs typically include detailed analytics and reporting, which allows B2B marketers to track the performance of their content and measure the impact on their lead generation and sales efforts. This can help B2B marketers to optimize their campaigns, identify the most effective tactics, and make data-driven decisions to improve their lead generation strategy.

Verified content syndication programs can be a valuable tool for B2B marketers looking to generate qualified leads and drive sales growth with lead generation. By reaching a highly targeted and engaged audience, establishing their brand as a thought leader, leveraging cost-effective tactics, and tracking and measuring results, B2B marketers can maximize their ROI and achieve their business goals.

By implementing these strategies, B2B lead generation partners and marketers can ensure they are making the most of their resources and achieving the best possible results.

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