8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings: Which is Best?

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings: Which is Best?

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings Best Overall: Dialpad Meetings

In our comparison of 8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings, Dialpad Meetings is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

8x8 X Series Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
Dialpad Meetings Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Small Business, Mid Market


8x8 X Series Pricing
per user / per month
per user / per month
Dialpad Meetings Pricing
per host / per month
per host / per month


8x8 X Series Features
  • Inbound Calling
  • Outbound Calling
  • Local Calling
  • International Calling
  • Three-Way Calling
  • Softphone
  • IP Fax
  • Paging
  • Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Numbers
  • Caller ID
  • Call Waiting
  • Call Forwarding
  • Call Hold
  • Call Transfer
  • Call Redial
Dialpad Meetings Features
  • Inbound Calling
  • Outbound Calling
  • Local Calling
  • International Calling
  • Three-Way Calling
  • Softphone
  • IP Fax
  • Paging
  • Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Numbers
  • Caller ID
  • Call Waiting
  • Call Forwarding
  • Call Hold
  • Call Transfer
  • Call Redial

Pros & Cons

8x8 X Series Pros & Cons
  • I can receive business calls to my business number on my personal cell phone with the help of the IOS application
  • Thus allows me to leave my desk more frequently.
  • Terrible sound quality-too much noise in the background, the system crashes often, etc.
Dialpad Meetings Pros & Cons
  • My customers don’t have to pay for a subscription as most times the free plan is sufficient for a few of my smaller projects, using phone or computer for audio or calling in through browser or phone is flexible, in case a person is feeding back or making distracting noise, you can mute others on the call, novices can navigate the software with ease as the software is intuitive, well designed, and visually clean, and it is simple to share screens from inside Chrome.
  • Lack of support of the screenshare option on Firefox browsers
  • The options for audio drop down tab don’t appear when connecting through laptop.


8x8 X Series Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

But now, most of the issues we had between us, in the beginning, are resolved. I like the product and would definitely recommend it to users who want to adopt it.

I can receive business calls to my business number on my personal cell phone with the help of the IOS application. Thus allows me to leave my desk more frequently.

The most difficult part for us was the set-up process. It was a disaster. But the fault lies with both the parties. However, our company took almost three months to get everything settled down and start working.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

This systems experience across the organization is bad despite using it to replace our physical phone lines. Its sound quality is awful and it crashes often.

Making international phone calls is possible as its app is great and helpful. You can interact in disparate formats as it has a phone service ad text chat option.

Terrible sound quality-too much noise in the background, the system crashes often, etc.

Dialpad Meetings Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Connecting with many customers and project teams is simple using UberConference. It is simple to set up a warranted group call, run it without any problems for the most part and take care of the invites too.

My customers don’t have to pay for a subscription as most times the free plan is sufficient for a few of my smaller projects, using phone or computer for audio or calling in through browser or phone is flexible, in case a person is feeding back or making distracting noise, you can mute others on the call, novices can navigate the software with ease as the software is intuitive, well designed, and visually clean, and it is simple to share screens from inside Chrome.

Screen sharing with browsers could be added, for those viewing in browser that must mute themselves, type chat plus audio.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Extremely great client service, its design is beautifully done exclusively for screen sharing and audio conferencing purposes. Also, it directly results in an extremely clear voice and high quality high definition crisp, and during screen sharing the picture quality is exceptional.

Any team that wishes to enhance productivity should try the free or paid plans.

You can join the conference call after simply clicking a link, has exceptional screen sharing, persons up to 10 to 11 per call use it at no cost, anyone can mute the other person, you can view and talk/listen through laptop or when viewing the screen share through laptop you can call in through phone.

Lack of support of the screenshare option on Firefox browsers. The options for audio drop down tab don’t appear when connecting through laptop.


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8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings: Detailed Comparison

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings Top Ratings & Reviews: Dialpad Meetings

In our rating and review comparison of 8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings, Dialpad Meetings has 48 user reviews and 8x8 X Series has 74. The average star rating for Dialpad Meetings is 4.52 while 8x8 X Series has an average rating of 3.77. Dialpad Meetings has more positive reviews than 8x8 X Series. Comparing 8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings reviews, Dialpad Meetings has stronger overall reviews.

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings Best Features & Functionality: Dialpad Meetings

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Conferencing Capabilities, Remote Support Features, Call Management & Administration, Reporting & Analytics, Recording , Collaboration Tools, Language & Speech, Reminders/Alerts, Enhancements & Personalization, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Third-Party Integrations, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Compliance Accreditations, After-Sales Service, Limits. In our feature comparison of 8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings, Dialpad Meetings offers more of the most popular features and tools than 8x8 X Series.

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings Best Pricing: Dialpad Meetings

In our pricing comparison of 8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings, Dialpad Meetings's pricing starts at Free/month and is more affordable compared to Dialpad Meetings's starting cost of Free/month.

8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings Best Usability: 8x8 X Series

Our comparison of 8x8 X Series vs. Dialpad Meetings shows that 8x8 X Series scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, setup & support. Dialpad Meetings scores higher in quality of support, ease of admin, but 8x8 X Series has the best scores overall for system usability.

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