The Best ERP System Examples of Business Process Improvement

The Best ERP System Examples of Business Process Improvement

The best ERP systems can increase the efficiency of your business. By automating the major processes, you can simplify operations and improve security. In addition, you can link disparate elements of your business, allowing you to gain better control over your information. This can help to increase your productivity by as much as 40% and bring improvements to your business processes in several key areas.

ERP System Examples: Automation

Investing in an ERP system can help your business automate major processes. A well-designed system can help you reduce the time it takes to complete tasks and provide valuable data to improve decision making. These systems are also a great way to increase visibility and reduce overhead expenses when you pay attention to the best ERP selection criteria.

RPA & AI for Automation

Most businesses are using cloud based ERP technology to make their operations more efficient. Several manufacturers have introduced solutions to the market. These solutions include RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and AI-enabled ERP solutions. These tools are designed to minimize errors and ensure the accuracy of important data. These tools can reduce transaction times from hours to minutes and can also free up valuable time for analysts to focus on strategic work.

Centralized Database of Company Information

ERP streamlines your business since these systems also provide a central database for all of the information that your company produces. This database can be shared across the entire enterprise. It can also be used to configure automated controls. It can also be integrated with other systems, which can be helpful when it comes to importing data.

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ERP System Examples: Improved Processes


While there are key differences in ERP and Accounting Software, a great example of a process that an ERP system can automate is the sending and receiving of invoices. This is a critical operation for most finance departments. It helps to avoid mistakes and ensures that bills are paid on time. In addition, it can reduce processing times and allow a team to be more transparent. 

Purchase Orders

A related process that can be automated is the sending and receiving of purchase orders. This can be done by using the ERP system to create and send these orders to relevant stakeholders for ERP approval. It eliminates the need for paper purchase orders.

Customer Data Entry

Other processes that can be automated are the entry of customer data, such as contact information, price categories, and shipping preferences. This can help you to provide better service to your customers and build brand loyalty.

Managing an organization effectively is important in the competitive environment. Companies must streamline processes to improve productivity and reduce costs.

ERP System Examples: Increased Efficiency

Transparency and Collaboration

ERP systems offer companies greater transparency and collaboration. They automate major processes and provide a single source of truth for data across departments. They can also reduce errors and increase workflow efficiency.

Streamlined Production & Logistics

Globally unified ERP systems allow companies to connect their production, logistics and distribution processes. They also provide real-time data that can help teams collaborate. This data can also merge disparate data sources. This can lead to improved customer service, increased productivity, and business process improvement with ERP.

Improved ERP Implementation

The process of unifying the ERP system can vary from company to company. Some organizations implement this system because it makes sense financially, while others do so to improve operations. The cost of an ERP system depends on the size of the business. For midsize businesses, the cost ranges from three to five percent of annual revenue. For complex businesses, the ERP implementation phases generally take 12 to 18 months. During the implementation phase, there are many people involved. In addition to internal employees, external colleagues and partners participate. These people provide feedback on individual steps, giving a realistic view of the post-execution phase.

After the initial stages of implementing an ERP system, there are still unexpected complications. For example, when manufacturing efficiency is lost due to issues in the process, the company may need to harmonize its processes. The global setup of the unified ERP system resulted in a significant decrease in stock inventory. This decreased the value of the company's stockpile, but did not impair cash flows.

ERP System Examples: Simplified Operations

Using ERP systems can streamline operations and boost employee satisfaction. They can also improve collaborations. They can help companies plan better and reallocate resources. They can also improve accuracy rates and reduce costs without compromising quality. ERP can even increase customer satisfaction.

Inventory Management

ERP system features can automate purchasing, inventory management, and order management. They can help streamline manual tasks, such as data entry, which minimizes errors. It can increase productivity by allowing employees to focus on revenue-generating work. It can even help companies avoid disruptions in their supply chains.

Data Analysis

The ERP system gives companies a single source of truth for all their data. This allows leaders to compare the performance of different departments. They can also use the information to model possible results. This helps them communicate the state of their business. They can see how a decision affects the entire organization.


Moreover, the ERP system can provide a common database that powers process automation. This repository ensures that all decision-makers are on the same page. It can also be used to schedule dynamic reports automatically. This can reduce training requirements. An ERP solution can also be integrated with other best-of-breed systems. It can give management access to real-time data, which can be utilized to boost sales and increase customer loyalty. It can also help companies expand.


In addition, an ERP system can improve communication. It makes it easy to share information across departments. It can automate communications and provide an audit trail. It can even create a secure audit trail of an item's journey. It can help companies avoid disruptions and increase transparency in their supply chains.


An ERP system can also help companies cut costs and save time and money. It can eliminate repetitive and tedious tasks. It can also help automate major processes, such as inventory management, purchase orders, and project management.

ERP System Examples: Improved Security

Successful companies using ERP make security a priority. Getting an ERP system security solution in place is important to protect sensitive data. This includes personal information (PII), financial information, sales and other types of data. Encrypting data at the point of transmission can help prevent hackers from obtaining information from your network.

Role-Based Security

The use of role-based security allows employees to access the functions they need without unnecessary permissions. Regular updates to your ERP system make it less vulnerable to external threats. It also prevents bugs and allows your company to keep up with new software capabilities.

Secure Passwords and Credentials

Creating and distributing secure credentials can also help prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to sensitive data. Keeping passwords and authorizations up to date is another way to reduce the risk of ERP system issues due to data breaches.

Security Strategy

An ERP security strategy should plan for protecting confidential data and defending against cyberthreats and incorporate threat intel from the major cybersecurity firms. This information will give your business the ability to identify potential risks and make your life easier.

A preventative approach is the most effective for network security. This method involves updating application software and network security regularly to avoid security vulnerabilities. It can also help ensure that you meet compliance standards. An independent third-party audit can be an invaluable tool in ensuring that your ERP systems comply with cross-business compliance mandates. It is best to implement this type of strategy as part of a comprehensive, well-documented security plan.

Using a virtual private network (VPN) can address the second ERP security challenge. This is a secured tunnel through the internet that addresses access management. It can also be used to secure customizations. Comparing the best ERP solutions can also help facilitate centralized control of compliance protocols. This means that IT teams can automate processes and systems to ensure compliance.

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