How Video Conferencing Breakthroughs Have Made Remote Work Easier and More Accessible

How Video Conferencing Breakthroughs Have Made Remote Work Easier and More Accessible

How Video Conferencing Breakthroughs Have Made Remote Work Easier and More Accessible

When video conferencing first made its debut in the business world, it came with a hefty price tag and a lot of legwork – handsome budgets, bulky hardware, and expert configuration from IT professionals. Even after concise testing and deployment, problems still abounded; from dropped calls to the dreaded loss of connectivity, it was hardly foolproof.

Let’s be honest – video conferencing may not be impeccable (what in this flawed world, is it?), but it sure has come a long way since the days of tedious setups and complex gadgets. What’s more, video conferencing solutions are now reasonably priced and accessible to be obtained by anyone, be it a 10-person startup or a multinational corporation. The ubiquitous ability to connect effectively from just about anywhere makes remote work possible and eliminates various drawbacks associated with the virtual conference table.

What gives? Here are three aspects to this progression, all of which have contributed in equal parts to the mainstream use and thriving success of video conferencing software.

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1. If you can’t beat them, join them.

That is what numerous notable tech corporations did, at a time when the competition was fierce and everyone was grappling for their piece of tech stardom. Microsoft bought Skype, Cisco bought Webex – and for good reason.

This meant that their service offering increased, which included the addition of video conferencing tools. And what better a source for prime video conferencing, than the pros who are at the top of their market?

2. Video calls for everyone, all thanks to the cloud.

With the advent and subsequent popularity of SaaS-based applications, video conferencing has become a resource that is delightfully accessible, and one that doesn’t break the bank either. Plus, there’s no need for an experienced IT person to do the honors; anyone can subscribe, initiate the application and add remote team members, at the click of a button or two.

3. Remote workmanship isn’t just a priority today – it’s indispensable.

Gone are the days when having an in-house team was a no-brainer, in spite of higher costs. Today’s business culture is a make-or-break situation, and facing this competition requires nothing short of the best talent – no matter where in the world they may be located.

Add to that the opportunity to save on overhead costs, and the pathway to prosperous bottom-line growth is crystal clear. Implementing secure, efficient, and affordable video conferencing solutions is, therefore, a must, to get work done – fast and at its finest

Remote Work Post Pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped and accelerated the remote work for every kind of business, big or small. The shift towards hybrid and remote work has made video conferencing even more important than ever before. 

Video conferencing has become the new normal for most companies after the pandemic as more and more businesses are embracing hybrid work. In this new shift, it has become super important to find and invest in the best video conferencing system. 

Here are some of the advantages of video conferencing & remote work;

  • Remote work and video conferencing significantly reduce the Carbon Footprint. The long-hour work-round trips can be reduced by embracing video conferencing.
  • Without losing the time to travel to a workplace can increase your personal efficiency. This amount of time can be used for more productive activities. 
  • Video conferencing and remote work can reduce transportation, food, and accommodation expenses for both the company and its employees. Video conferencing and avoiding unnecessary meetings can significantly reduce the burden of traffic on the roads and make them safer to travel. 

However, in order to reap all the benefits of videoconferencing, it is important to use a high-quality video conferencing software with all the powerful features 

Modern video conferencing software comes with a greater number of new functionalities and capabilities to make remote work easier and more manageable than ever before. Top video conferencing services let users share their screens, remotely access each other's systems, communicate through chat and digital whiteboards, share files, broadcast, etc. 

How to choose the best video conferencing software for your company?

Before you go through a comprehensive video conferencing software list, here are some of the tips that can help you decide on the best video conferencing software 

A video conferencing software should have a great-looking user interface that is easy to use. A great UI/UX can make your remote working session more productive and efficient. 

Other than the interface there are some of the core functionalities that a modern-day video conferencing software should offer like audio/video calling, call and screen recording, presentation tools, digital whiteboards to share ideas, secure meetings, group and individual chat functions, and user-friendly dashboards and analytics. 

To choose the best video conferencing platform take a look a look at our top video conferencing ranking list. Some of these software are great for 1-1 video calls while others are more suitable for teams and even live broadcasts. 

You can also compare them according to your company size, ratings, pricing, and platform requirements. 

Summing Up 

Organizations need to embrace the change brought about by the pandemic instead of resisting it. Modern video conferencing solutions are equipped with the capabilities to revolutionize the future of work. The productivity and performance of your employees can be enhanced multiple folds by embracing modern video conferencing technologies.

 Without resisting the change, organizations should improve their remote work policies and capabilities. If your company is concerned about productivity and performance issues due to a companywide ability to work from home, Lambert recommends creating standard key performance indicators (KPIs) for both management and employees.

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