How Gamification Can Help Improve Workplace Learning

How Gamification Can Help Improve Workplace Learning

Many companies are implementing the best Learning Management software solutions (complete with gamification tools) into their workplace learning environments because, when used effectively, gamification in the workplace can foster motivation, build engagement, and drive actions- which are all critical building blocks in workplace learning and creating a thriving company with a winning team culture.

How Does Gamification Improve Workplace Learning?

Gamification began as an immersion in human psychology and technology, which is still driving the development of this rapidly growing workplace learning trend across many industries including; eLearning, business, marketing, health, and customer service.

Gamification can build skills in your company on how to deal with stressful situations without making it seem like they are in fact dealing with a complex issue.  

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What is Gamification?

Gamification is the unique process of applying the principles and framework of β€œplay” and games to increase motivation and foster engagement among employees for workplace learning. Gamification aids in workplace learning and retaining new knowledge or skills, and infuses an activity with fun and competition.

Adding gamified elements to workplace learning at companies leads to significant improvements in the engagement of participants and their teams: They keep the recently learned information longer in memory because the brain retains exciting situations with a competitive element to the learners, such as developing goals and scoring points in games. 

Here are the benefits of LMS that gamification can improve workplace learning:

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Teamwork makes the dream work and gamification is a great way to foster employee engagement and motivation with workplace learning. Your employees have the opportunity to interact with information and people on a deeper level when they perceive workplace learning, training, or improvement as a game or a competition.

Employees learn more quickly and enjoy the workplace learning process more thoroughly when they feel motivated and engaged, so gamification is a great way to enhance workplace learning and build engagement, fun, and community in the office. Nurturing the teamwork aspect of task completion through gamification can help your employees communicate with each other during the completion of other workplace learning tasks and yield the best workplace learning results for your company. 

Training or Modifying Behaviors

Learning new information can be tough and overwhelming for new recruits. LMS gamification tools are immensely helpful and impactful when training new employees. Gamified training can help new employees overcome workplace learning curves more quickly as they learn the information they need to perform their jobs well (and help them retain more of what they learn so they can be more effective in the workplace).

Learning games can also be helpful in supporting your teams with ongoing coaching. Modifying behaviors when issues arise can via workplace learning be challenging, but gamification can help educate your workforce to build new skills and change limiting behaviors with more ease and precision than other types of workplace learning or corrective measures.

Testing the knowledge through workplace learning-related gamified activities helps employees retain information better and also avoid errors by giving the option to track areas with room for improvement.  

Gamification in workplace learning is growing quickly in learning and train employees faster with LMS.

Build Problem Solving Skills Through Workplace Learning

Gamification can also help your employees improve their problem-solving skills by giving them valuable practice through a game or simulated workplace learning environment.

Problem-solving is a skill that can be improved through practice and workplace learning. By simulating scenarios where employees must solve issues or react to particular situations, you can help expose them to high-tension situations they may face and give them the tools to succeed through practice and growing problem-solving abilities.

When employees encounter similar problems later in the work front, they will be able to navigate them with much ease due to the existing knowledge gained from their gamified workplace learning experience. 

Boost Productivity

Workplace learning games are associated with fun and entertainment, but workplace learning games are also a great way to improve memory and focus, and boost productivity. Many people experience moments of clarity or suddenly think of great ideas when they simply shift their focus into an engaging, fun activity.

The act of playing releases tension and allows you to think through things more strategically with less effort and stress. In the end, more productivity means more results for your company so gamification is a great option to consider for tasks that may seem tedious for workplace learning or tough to grasp initially. 

Drive Employee Satisfaction

Gamification adds fun and friendly competition to learning new things or improving skills for workplace learning. Employees who enjoy their work and are having fun improving their knowledge and skills will feel happier and more fulfilled. Happy employees always tend to work harder and feel more connected to their work and success.

Dynamic Team Building

Gamification encourages a fun team-building environment through workplace learning, playing, and competing. Your employees will build stronger connections with one another through playing games together and will feel much more connected as a team in their goals and achievements as a result.

Improving workplace comradery is great for companies that require people to complete tasks collectively. The last thing you want is a jam in the system due to unfamiliar coworkers. Workplace learning via gamification can improve collaboration among teammates to improve business efficiency. 

Improve How Employees Adapt and Handle Change

According to Gartner, 70 percent of business transformations fail due to a lack of engagement.
This failure is also closely linked to struggles with change or adapting and adopting new ideas or initiatives. Each business has its own workplace learning processes, and it is key that all employees are skilled at their tasks. Sometimes as the company evolves, employees will have to learn new skills or modify existing skills to manage. This is what LMS software is used for!

Gamification in business helps employees build skills they need to adapt by creating workplace learning situations where they have to find solutions or search for answers in unfamiliar situations. Practicing making decisions within a game environment helps remove fear and pressure, while also helping employees build confidence and skills that will help them better react to change through workplace learning.

Gamification has been gaining more attention in business settings in the past few years, and many companies are implementing the best Learning Management software that has gamified processes for enhancing workplace learning, improving teamwork, and enjoying an abundance of other great business benefits as a result. In the pursuit of increased productivity and results for your company, gamification for workplace learning can serve as a great tool to improve your business. 

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