N-able Take Control vs. SightCall: Which is Best?

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall: Which is Best?

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall Best Overall: N-able Take Control

In our comparison of N-able Take Control vs. SightCall, N-able Take Control is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

N-able Take Control Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Mid Market, Large Market
SightCall Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


N-able Take Control Pricing
Take Control
per user / per month
Take Control Plus
per user / per month
SightCall Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


N-able Take Control Features
  • Screen Sharing
  • Camera Sharing
  • Keyboard/Mouse Sharing
  • Attended Access
  • Unattended Access
  • Remote Session Control
  • Multi-Agent Sessions
  • Multi-Session Handling
  • Session Pausing
  • Session Continuation
  • Session Transfer
  • Session Sharing
  • Session Shadowing
  • Co-Browsing
  • Swap Screens
SightCall Features
  • Screen Sharing
  • Camera Sharing
  • Keyboard/Mouse Sharing
  • Attended Access
  • Unattended Access
  • Remote Session Control
  • Multi-Agent Sessions
  • Multi-Session Handling
  • Session Pausing
  • Session Continuation
  • Session Transfer
  • Session Sharing
  • Session Shadowing
  • Co-Browsing
  • Swap Screens

Pros & Cons

N-able Take Control Pros & Cons
  • Easy connection to clients and the ability to see who is logged in and their location on our network.
  • The chat function in Take Control has several drawbacks
  • The UI is unattractive, and there is no option to initiate a chat on your own
  • You can only start chatting after receiving a message from support, and the buttons for showing/hiding the chat are not easily visible.
SightCall Pros & Cons
  • High quality videos and pictures.
  • None.


N-able Take Control Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Helps us to make remote connections, and also see who is currently online.

Easy connection to clients and the ability to see who is logged in and their location on our network.

I am currently experiencing an issue where I cannot see chrome screens and some windows screen areas. This problem has occurred on two Windows 10 laptops, one running version 1903 and the other running version 1909. I plan to contact support for assistance.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Take Control gets the job done, but it falls short in some aspects. It is advisable to use an additional form of communication alongside this client, and the user interface could be more user-friendly.

Take Control offers a quick and stable remote connection, and the alert for incoming connections in the form of a pop-up window at the center of the screen is highly convenient for receiving prompt assistance.

The chat function in Take Control has several drawbacks. The UI is unattractive, and there is no option to initiate a chat on your own. You can only start chatting after receiving a message from support, and the buttons for showing/hiding the chat are not easily visible.

SightCall Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The application is great overall. Allows us to capture high quality images during a session that helps us save time with complicated tasks. The only issue we've encountered so far is when a session disconnects. We are forced to set up a new session rather than allowing us to reconnect to the existing session.

High quality videos and pictures

Inability to rejoin a session if it abruptly disconnects

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The fantastic platform SightCall has completely changed the way we handle field service and customer support. The ability to use augmented reality is revolutionary and has made problem-solving quicker and more efficient. Additionally, our agents and technicians have had little trouble with the platform, adopting it fast.

Augmented reality customer care and feature rich



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N-able Take Control vs. SightCall: Detailed Comparison

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall Top Ratings & Reviews: N-able Take Control

In our rating and review comparison of N-able Take Control vs. SightCall, N-able Take Control has 8 user reviews and SightCall has 14. The average star rating for N-able Take Control is 4.5 while SightCall has an average rating of 4.21. N-able Take Control has more positive reviews than SightCall. Comparing N-able Take Control vs. SightCall reviews, N-able Take Control has stronger overall reviews.

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall Best Features & Functionality: N-able Take Control

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Remote Support Features, Conferencing Capabilities, Chat/IM Management, Device Management, Collaboration Tools, File Management, Reporting & Analytics, Recording , Drag-and-Drop Builders/Designers, Report Management, Systems/Administrative, Language & Speech, Customizable Items, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Cybersecurity Features, Compliance Accreditations, Reminders/Alerts, Appointments/Scheduling, After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of N-able Take Control vs. SightCall, N-able Take Control offers more of the most popular features and tools than SightCall.

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall Best Pricing: SightCall

In our pricing comparison of N-able Take Control vs. SightCall, SightCall's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to SightCall's starting cost of N/A/month.

N-able Take Control vs. SightCall Best Usability: N-able Take Control

Our comparison of N-able Take Control vs. SightCall shows that N-able Take Control scores higher in usability for meets requirements, quality of support. SightCall scores higher in ease of use, setup & support, ease of admin, but N-able Take Control has the best scores overall for system usability.

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