Front vs. Wrike: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

Front vs. Wrike: Which is Best?

Front vs. Wrike Best Overall: Wrike

In our comparison of Front vs. Wrike, Wrike is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Front Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
Wrike Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


Front Pricing


Wrike Pricing



Front Features
  • Customer Profiling
  • Customer Lifecycle Management
  • Pipeline Management
  • Deal Management
  • Account Management
  • Territory Management
  • Feedback Management
  • Project Sharing
  • Project Prioritization
  • Workflow Management
  • Team Management
  • Review/Approval Management
  • Goal Management
  • Project Lifecycle Management
  • Create Tasks
Wrike Features
  • Customer Profiling
  • Customer Lifecycle Management
  • Pipeline Management
  • Deal Management
  • Account Management
  • Territory Management
  • Feedback Management
  • Project Sharing
  • Project Prioritization
  • Workflow Management
  • Team Management
  • Review/Approval Management
  • Goal Management
  • Project Lifecycle Management
  • Create Tasks

Pros & Cons

Front Pros & Cons
  • Keeps everyone informed without the need for constant email forwarding
  • The ability to seamlessly share conversations with those who require the information is crucial for efficient collaboration.
  • On the downside, I did find the software to be quite pricey, especially for small businesses
  • However, if you have the budget for it, I think it's definitely worth the investment.
Wrike Pros & Cons
  • The ability to create folders that are customized to enable project executives get a summary of the progress of a project in a few minutes and to enable customers and projects remain organized from the very beginning, ability to create channels and timelines of projects, great at task and project management and assessment, the ability to gauge factual and timelines that were more realistic and the team wasn’t overwhelmed nor did it give deadlines that were unmanageable/unrealistic thanks to the simple collaboration with my organization.
  • The program opens as quickly as a sloth running a marathon
  • But once it's fully open, the software will operate fast and smooth.


Front Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

I highly recommend this platform for its effectiveness in streamlining communication and facilitating information sharing. Just be mindful of maintaining boundaries with regard to off-hour communications to prevent potential disruptions.

Keeps everyone informed without the need for constant email forwarding. The ability to seamlessly share conversations with those who require the information is crucial for efficient collaboration.

I have noticed that due to its accessibility across multiple platforms, I sometimes find myself checking it during off-hours.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

If you're someone who relies heavily on email communication, I would definitely recommend this software as it can save you time and streamline your inbox.

One of the things I loved most about the software was the ability to manage multiple email accounts from one place. As a business owner who communicates primarily via email, having all my emails in one place was incredibly convenient. The ability to tag emails for other users was also a huge plus.

On the downside, I did find the software to be quite pricey, especially for small businesses. However, if you have the budget for it, I think it's definitely worth the investment.

Wrike Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Organizations looking for a PM tool that is pure should go for Wrike.

The ability to create folders that are customized to enable project executives get a summary of the progress of a project in a few minutes and to enable customers and projects remain organized from the very beginning, ability to create channels and timelines of projects, great at task and project management and assessment, the ability to gauge factual and timelines that were more realistic and the team wasn’t overwhelmed nor did it give deadlines that were unmanageable/unrealistic thanks to the simple collaboration with my organization.

Training is required due to the numerous features offered by this software.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Wrike is the perfect tool for task management. I love that its notifications engine is proactive enough to send you a message whenever someone updates the tasks or a deadline is coming closer.

The program opens as quickly as a sloth running a marathon. But once it's fully open, the software will operate fast and smooth.


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Front vs. Wrike: Detailed Comparison

Front vs. Wrike Top Ratings & Reviews: Front

In our rating and review comparison of Front vs. Wrike, Front has 17 user reviews and Wrike has 55. The average star rating for Front is 4.58 while Wrike has an average rating of 4.43. Front has more positive reviews than Wrike. Comparing Front vs. Wrike reviews, Front has stronger overall reviews.

Front vs. Wrike Best Features & Functionality: Wrike

Front vs. Wrike both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Project Management Features, Task Management, Resource Management, Project Management Methodology, Customizable Items, Attendance Management, Collaboration Tools, File Management, Appointments/Scheduling, Reminders/Alerts, Workflow Automation, Expense Management, Cash Flow Management, Layout Types, Chart Types, Reporting & Analytics, Systems/Administrative, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Password Management, Integration Options, Third-Party Integrations, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Deployment Options, After-Sales Service, Limits. In our feature comparison of Front vs. Wrike, Wrike offers more of the most popular features and tools than Front.

Front vs. Wrike Best Pricing: Wrike

In our pricing comparison of Front vs. Wrike, Wrike's pricing starts at 0/month and is more affordable compared to Wrike's starting cost of 0/month.

Front vs. Wrike Best Usability: Wrike

Our comparison of Front vs. Wrike shows that Wrike scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, quality of support. Front scores higher in setup & support, ease of admin, but Wrike has the best scores overall for system usability.

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