The Non-Manufacturing Industries Embracing Cloud ERP

The Non-Manufacturing Industries Embracing Cloud ERP

The Non-Manufacturing Industries Embracing Cloud ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has historic roots in the manufacturing industry. For decades, manufacturers and distributors have been using this technology to help organize all the intricate and moving pieces involved in producing, storing, and transporting goods around the world.

While manufacturing is still the industry that uses ERP systems most frequently, the advent of cloud technology has introduced more ease and affordability to cloud-based ERP solutions than ever before. As a result, more and more industries are embracing ERP technology to streamline operations and organize complex business systems all in one universal software.

ERP providers are constantly improving cloud ERP product suites and usability to cater to the growing number of industries investing in ERP tools. As part of this growth in the industry, we’re seeing high levels of customization and specialization come into the ERP market. 

For example, solutions offered by software giants Oracle ERP and Sage ERP are serving a multitude of companies across varying industries by developing systems and tools that can be highly tailored to the needs of various, specific industries and businesses. Other ERP vendors, like Jonas Construction ERP, are focusing on extremely specialized ERPs that fulfill all the unique needs of a particular industry. 

While ERP is an undeniable necessity for the manufacturing industry, cloud-based ERP systems have a broad appeal and a host of benefits for many other kinds of companies. There are key industries that are adopting ERP at a higher rate than others, and experiencing benefits much faster thanks to cloud technology. 

Construction ERP

Construction companies must juggle a variety of important business components to ensure building and remodeling projects are completed correctly and on-time. Furthermore, to remain profitable in a bustling and highly competitive industry, they must also have strong organization for financials, costs, and other project details that are pertinent to their ultimate bottom line.

ERP solutions are being used more frequently in the construction industry, and give contractors and construction business owners the tools they need to manage complex projects and track financials in one streamlined system. ERP systems tailored for the construction industry contain modules that are specific to their needs, providing tools and features that are designed to support successful construction business operations and profitability. 

Healthcare ERP

The healthcare industry is both driven by and regulated through the proper collection, storage, and use of patient data. Additionally, tracking financial health and ascertaining profits is an arduous process in this industry due to the complexity of medical insurance, patient billing, supply and operating costs, and more. 

Many hospitals and large healthcare organizations are implementing ERP systems to streamline operations and accurately track complex financials. ERP systems designed with healthcare modules are particularly helpful for increasing data security and accuracy, boosting productivity, lowering costs, and simplifying administration and back office tasks in healthcare organizations. 

Food and Beverage ERP

The food and beverage industry can be very lucrative, but it’s also a demanding and complex industry that contains many of the same operational needs as companies who sell non-food products, such as inventory management, vendor relations, warehousing and storage, product shipments and delivery, etc. However, the food and beverage industry is also governed by strict federal regulations that control food quality and safety for customers. 

ERP solutions can be very beneficial to companies in the food and beverage industry because they offer all the features and tools needed to track and analyze business operations, but they also provide compliance features to help companies manage regulations, maintain food quality and safety, and avoid hefty fines or brand-damaging illnesses caused by improperly stored or transported food. 

Retail ERP

The retail industry is busy and complex, and success in this field relies upon being able to bring quality goods to market, overdeliver on customer expectations, and stay connected with all the integral partners needed to maintain competitive leverage. 

ERP solutions are becoming more heavily utilized in the retail industry because they can help companies to:

  • Track supplies, vendors, and shipments efficiently
  • Manage all operations and vendor collaborations in a centralized system
  • Manage sales, orders, and inventory in one system to keep operations flowing smoothly
  • Keep pace with market trends and customer demands with real-time analytics

About Wheelhouse

Like what you just read? At Wheelhouse, we are passionate about all things software, and our specialty is connecting software buyers to a solution that perfectly matches their needs. 

Please visit our ERP software page for a complete list of all the solutions we have on offer. 

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