ERP and IoT

ERP and IoT

ERP and IoT:Modern, Connected Operations in the Cloud

The impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has increased substantially and more companies than ever before are embracing ERP solutions for business organization, data insights, and sustained growth.

ERP systems provide a centralized and easily accessible portal that different departments can use to obtain the data needed to manage various parts of your business, including:

  • Inventory Management
  • Order Management
  • Accounting
  • Human Resources
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Business Development
  • Business Intelligence

Our infographic series explores the cloud ERP market and highlights the key ways that ERP and IoT work together for modernized operations in the cloud. 

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Modern ERP

Due to the availability and growing prominence of cloud ERP solutions, companies of varying sizes across a wider spectrum of industries (outside of manufacturing) are investing in ERP and leveraging the benefits of using this powerful software.

Cloud-based ERP solutions ensure that business can be conducted as normal no matter where business functions are taking place. Employees are able to see the status of the business operations using dashboards and make informed decisions at all times. 

What is IoT?

IoT is the abbreviated version of the internet of things. This refers to using unique identifiers (UIDs) to connect computers, mechanical and digital machinery, objects, and living things and exchanging data with other devices and services over the internet. 

As the world becomes more interconnected and dependent on the internet for connectivity, most of the devices we use daily are not connected to IoT. Your smartphone, laptop, and even some features of your house can be smart home devices which makes your home also a part of IoT. It is only going to become harder to escape the reach of IoT. 

ERP and IoT

As more devices, machines, and systems become connected to the internet, ERP solutions and tools evolve alongside the IoT trends. The ways that information is exchanged and how data is shared between devices, systems, and companies are ever-changing and becoming more modern as cloud ERP adoption grows. 

Data-powered ERP management can ensure that your business is more efficient, resources are managed well, and your company is able to keep up with trends.

Delays and disruptions are the worst headaches in the manufacturing process. Data is much more easily discoverable from anywhere with the use of cloud-based ERP solutions. This ensures that projects go ahead as planned and that any delays or disruptions to operations can be detected by all the devices connected to the cloud-based ERP system. All the correct people in charge will be notified accordingly and the project and move along on schedule. Thus, the interconnectedness of all the devices pertaining to the ERP can make sure that nothing is left up to chance with all the available data and improve accountability. 

IoT can also help an ERP system by predicting trends and helping your company stay ahead of increases/decreases in demand. Predictive data analytics can assess normal customer trends to advise of the best course of action so that resources are not wasted in vain. 

Interconnectedness improves operational transparency and allows your business to mitigate any foreseeable issues. 

ERP and IoT


About Wheelhouse

Like what you just read? At Wheelhouse, we are passionate about all things software, and our specialty is connecting software buyers to a solution that perfectly matches their needs.

Please visit our ERP software page for a complete list of all the solutions we have on offer. 

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