7 Steps to Reduce On-going Costs with CRM

7 Steps to Reduce On-going Costs with CRM

1. No More Looking for Documents.

According to research by Delphi Group, a Boston consultancy group, 30% of all employee time is spent trying to find "lost" documents. Do the math and you will be shocked at how much time is wasted at your company!

2. No More Spending on Advertisements that Don't Bring in Revenue.

With marketing automation, you will know exactly which advertisements bring in the revenue so that you can toss out the other ads.

3. No More Wondering What Activities took place When & Where.

Since all communication is tracked in CRM software, all your employees will always have insights as to a customer or vendors history with your business.

4. Reduce Customer Service costs up to 70%.

By using web self-service (a way for your customers to receive Client Specific information from your web site), you will be able to reduce customer service calls and staffing.

5. Reduce printing costs.

Why print when you can distribute your brochures online.With CRM, you can automate distribution of brochures and other documents through email and web self-service access.

6. Consolidate Custom Databases.

Because you can create custom screens, consolidating other databases in your CRM Software will reduce licensing and maintenance costs.

7. Layoff the "extra" Help.

With CRM, each of your employees will be able to accomplish a lot more. So, it will allow you to review your staffing needs for all the "extra" help that you have from time to time. For example, new leads can come in through your web-site automatically into your CRM system and assigned to the appropriate sales rep - all through automation. You will be able to import leads from other sources as well - no more manual data entry!

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