17 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty

17 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty

17 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty with the help of CX software

Customer loyalty is the holy grail of CRM. It is not just a matter of how many products customers buy from your company; real loyalty is measured in terms of how often customers return and how frequently they refer new customers. The following best practices can help build the kind of loyalty that every company strives for. 

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Importance of using CX software

A customer experience management program can step up your business's game by helping the company build brand loyalty while reducing customer attrition and the cost of service. With a customer experience system, you can enjoy higher customer lifetime value, less brand equity, less customer churn, maximum customer retention, less cost of service and marketing, and better customer engagement.

Here are 17 ways to build customer loyalty with customer experience management tools.


  • Bond with the customer early.

First impressions create expectations, and expectations die hard. Prospects making their first contact with your company should immediately decide they are in the right place. A few glitches later in the relationship will be brushed aside as exceptions to the customer's invented rule. Customer experience management software can be really helpful in that. 

  • All customers are not created equal.

Some customers value relationships and personal interactions. They want to be known and valued on a personal level. Others value efficiency, cost, and time savings. Still, others value comfort and avoiding pain at all costs. The sooner you can discover what a customer values, the sooner you can deliver it and build loyalty. Customer experience software offers a personalized experience to every customer.

  • Convey your company's value proposition in everything you do.

All of your interactions with customers must answer two questions: What do they really buy from my company, and why should they buy it from my company instead of a competitor?

Customers who are reminded of your business's value remain loyal. CX software stores customer details in its customer experience database, such as previous buying history, preferred items, etc., and interacts with every customer based on that.

  • Do more than making your point.

You must also communicate in ways to which your customer is receptive. Some customers like phone calls, while others don't want to be bothered. Some customers prefer email, while others are drowning in it. Some customers want just the facts, while others enjoy some entertainment, too. Don't forget that communication is a two-way street. Provide multiple channels for customers to deliver their feedback. Customer experience tools also offer automation. They interact with customers through chats, emails, and by answering their questions with the help of AI.

  • Know why customers leave.

Good customer experience management systems shine a spotlight on customer departures, searching for ways to improve and problems to fix.

  • Measure everything.

If your company measures something, chances are it can improve it. Measure customer-contact frequency, referrals, contact-to-sale conversion rates, contacts per month, customer satisfaction as revealed by surveys, and every metric you can think of that has a bearing on your business.

  • Always ask for referrals.

Companies are supposed to manage the relationship with the customer. But too often, companies let customers manage it by leaving the timing of referrals up to them. A customer experience management platform can be really helpful in interacting with customers. It sends emails to customers about the new arrival, sends recommendations, and also takes follow-ups for a better customer experience.

  • Make loyalty-building a team effort.

Everyone from the receptionist to the delivery person is responsible for nurturing customer loyalty. It is important to convey that message to everyone in your organization and teach them how to contribute. As a thriving business, you must buy CX software from a well-known customer experience management company and train your employees to use CX tools to achieve customer loyalty.

  • Meet customers' expectations.

Failed expectations lead to customer dissatisfaction. Most often, customers feel let down in the area of customer service, not product quality. You must know your customers' expectations and improve your business's processes in order to meet them. Automation is the most powerful tool offered by customer experience management software vendors. It responds to customers' queries, suggests options, and helps them get information about a certain thing related to the company in the blink of an eye. 

  • Go beyond rewards programs.

A discount may buy sales as long as it is in effect, but it won't buy loyalty. The same is true of rewards programs. Customers remain loyal to a company that is always improving and growing.
Turn complaints into opportunities as quickly as possible. Studies show that customers tend to become more loyal when their complaints are handled immediately and effectively.

  • Engage customers in a two-way dialogue.

Create a peer relationship with customers by admitting where your company needs to improve and enlisting their help to solve the problems. A customer who makes such investments in a company is more loyal than one who does not.

  • Build opportunities for repeat business.

That sounds simple, but many businesses are based upon occasional sales and lack other products that can generate additional revenue. The customer experience tool resolves issues quickly, reduces churn, and increases brand equity, leading to higher customer retention. Customer retention correlates to high customer loyalty and repeat business.

  • Survey customers and pay attention to the responses.

Survey research can be used to identify or solve problems. Keep surveys simple, unbiased, and short. Questions with simple answer choices such as "agree/disagree" or "satisfied/unsatisfied" deliver quantitative responses that your business can measure. Experience management companies offer CX software to pull reports and perform surveys.

  • Create a system for collecting, analyzing, and acting upon all customer feedback.

EFM (Enterprise Feedback Management) is more than just collecting data; it aims to build a dialogue with customers. CX software from customer experience management software vendors helps to systematize the collection, analysis, and use of customer feedback.

  • Tie customer loyalty to expected business outcomes.

Determine whether to measure your engagement program's outcome regarding customer satisfaction, likelihood to purchase again, or another metric.

  • Use analytics to predict future loyalty.

The measurements taken in your company's surveys with the help of a customer experience management platform can be analyzed statistically to predict the likelihood that a customer will continue to buy or refer new customers. Predictive analysis can also correlate customer loyalty to profitability and other expected business outcomes.


Measuring, analyzing, and building customer loyalty is no simple task. Your CRM technology provider should be able to guide you through this complex process.

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