4 Tips for Choosing Security Software Systems That Scale Along with Your Company Growth

4 Tips for Choosing Security Software Systems That Scale Along with Your Company Growth

4 Tips for Choosing Security Software Systems That Scale Along with Your Company Growth

Along with business innovation and growth comes the complexity of securing data, systems, and operations. With each iteration (from software upgrades to increased cloud functionality), there are added layers of security needed to fully protect your business as you grow.

Picking security software options for your organization is necessary to shielding your business and all the data you utilize each day. Developing your safety and security software applications might entail multiple options from the very same vendor, or private defenses for sure element of your company, from different suppliers.

While recognizing which defenses you require and determining the very best security software program for those requirements can be a bit overwhelming - particularly as you think of scaling needed safety and security systems alongside a growing business, there are some things you can do and consider to make sure you have a security solution that continues to protect your company in growth.

These tips from our Security Software Buyer’s Guide will help you walk through the key steps of choosing the best security software options for your business and make important decisions about scale as well.

1. Conduct a Business Review and Risk Analysis

A thorough risk analysis of your business will uncover weak points and account for any risks or threats your business (or current systems) might be prone to without proper protections in place. Make sure you account for threats your business faces now, and what additional risks you’ll encounter as you’re growing.

Many companies find it helpful to include company leaders and key partners in their decision-making process of choosing security software. Including different people and vantage points will ensure that a wider spectrum of important needs is accounted for, which will help you choose a solution that contains all the security features and tools you must have to safeguard your business from threats.

2. Build a Budget You Can Scale

As you’re building your software budget, keep in mind that you may need to invest in several different types of security software to fully protect your business. There are many diverse threats which could impact your business, and software vendors typically offer specialized solutions for each different type of threat. It’s not uncommon to have several different security software systems in place to protect different parts of your business, from virus and malware protection to password management and content encryption. Many vendors do offer bundled suites of tools, so knowing exactly what protections you need will help you compare pricing and budget accordingly. 

You should also ask vendors about how they price along with business growth. Many companies have offerings and plans that are designed to grow with a business to continue offering stellar protections as risks and threats change and diversify the larger your company grows. 

3. Research and Compare Multiple Security Software Vendors

There are many excellent security providers on the market, and you’ll undoubtedly be able to find your perfect system if you take a bit of time to really look into what each vendor offers and compare your top choices against one another to determine which is best for you and your business. Remember, you’re probably going to need several different types of protection in place to secure your business, and they may not all be offered by the same vendor. This is important to consider as you plan to scale.

4. Read Reviews, Set up Demos and Get Pricing from Leading Security Software Providers 

Reviews are a great way to see how businesses like yours have implemented security solutions and learn what features are most vital. You’ll also be able to find details on different solutions needed in various levels of growth, which can give you insight into what you need now and in the future. 

Most vendors will happily set up meetings to discuss your security needs and requirements and can demonstrate all their key features for you.

Before you participate in a meeting or demo with a security provider, it is a great idea to provide your security concerns and insights gained from your risk analysis to the vendor prior to meeting, so they can put together the custom options and pricing they have available that will meet your needs. This will make your time much more efficient, and also give the vendor a clear understanding of exactly what you require.

About Wheelhouse

Like what you just read? At Wheelhouse, we are passionate about all things software, and our specialty is connecting software buyers to a solution that perfectly matches their needs. 

Please visit our Security software page for a complete list of all the solutions we have on offer. 

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