17 reviews
WH Score

Coassemble Overview

What is Coassemble?

Coassemble is an online training platform that is easy to setup, use and display for a variety of audiences. Thanks to responsive interfaces and custom branding capabilities, Coassemble is a resourceful training tool for those who are looking to maximize engagement with minimal effort. 

Add your logo and customize interfaces to create a lasting impression, while also being able to create and edit content once for all-round updating. Interactive templates make it very easy to get started, so you don’t need to spend excessive time or effort to go from concept to final presentation.


Coassemble Recent Reviews

Reviewed on 30 December 2023

This platform is new to me, but I'm excited to explore its potential

I am really impressed with how user-friendly this site is! I had no learning curve and quickly got to work creating interactive programs for clients. Compared to static, pre-recorded workshops, this is a significant improvement, and our clients will love how interactive it is. Since I'm still learning, I can't say that I've found anything that is a deal-breaker just yet.

  • User-friendly, fast onboarding.
  • None.

Reviewed on 28 December 2023

A delightful app for building effective learning materials

Coassemble is a welcome addition to the field of instructional design. Creating and releasing courses is now enjoyable rather than tedious. Content creation is made simple by the many modules and integrated features, such as rapid image search. A helpful support staff and frequent upgrades also ensure that everything works as it should. Our learners adore the captivating content that is rich in videos, and we have reduced development time from days to hours. It sure does need improvement, more flexibility in the assignment process and a stronger emphasis on bespoke reports are needed. However, the main experience is excellent.

  • Speed, ease of development, regular updates, great support, Improved efficiency.
  • Custom reporting limitations.

Coassemble Pricing

per month
Coassemble Pricing Details

Coassemble Key Features

Learning Management System (LMS) Features

  • Examination Management
  • Certificate/Award Management

Course Management

  • Course Registration
  • Course Library
  • Course Authoring

Reporting & Analytics

  • Progress Reports
  • Skills Assessments
  • Course Tracking
Coassemble Features Details

Coassemble Media

Coassemble Videos

Coassemble Wheelhouse Score

What is this?

The Average Wheelhouse score for the Learning Management Systems (LMS) category is 8.4

Coassemble User Scores

  • Ease of Use
  • Meets Requirements
  • Learning Curve
  • Quality of Support
  • Ease of Admin

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