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Blueshift Overview

What is Blueshift?

Blueshift is an Intelligent Customer Engagement platform that provides companies with an integrated Customer Data Platform (CDP), customer data activation tools, and omnichannel automation capabilities to create meaningful connections throughout the customer journey. Blueshift’s user-friendly platform analyzes data from various sources and provides AI-powered insights into customers, content, and campaigns to improve reach and maximize Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Key Blueshift Features and Capabilities

  • Real-Time Customer Data Platform (CDP): Blueshift has an integrated CDP to help companies unify customer data from various sources and create 360-degree customer profiles and targeted audience segments.
  • AI-Powered Customer Insights: Blueshift analyzes customer data and provides valuable insights companies can use to create audience segments, identify the best channel for reaching target customers, and recommend the best customer messaging and send times.
  • Campaign Journeys: Blueshift provides customer journey builders and automation tools to help businesses create customized, impactful customer journeys based on data insights.
  • Audience Segmentation: Blueshift offers precise audience segmentation tools based on real-time customer data. Companies can create highly targeted audience segments based on past actions or future behavior predictions.
  • Customer Profile Unification: Blueshift unifies and resolves customer identity, attribute, and event data into a singular customer profile to give companies actionable insights.

Blueshift Pricing

Free Starter
per month
Blueshift Pricing Details

Blueshift Key Features

Customer Management

  • Customer Profiling
  • Customer Data Platform (CDP)
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Personalized Recommendations

Data Migration

  • Data Export

Drag-and-Drop Builders/Designers

  • Dashboard Builder
Blueshift Features Details

Blueshift Media

Blueshift Videos

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