Epic vs. Office Practicum: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

Epic vs. Office Practicum: Which is Best?

Epic vs. Office Practicum Best Overall: Epic

In our comparison of Epic vs. Office Practicum, Epic is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Epic Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
Office Practicum Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


Epic Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

Office Practicum Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


Epic Features
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
  • Procedure Codes
  • Treatment Planning
  • Transition Care Management (TCM)
  • Patient Education Tools
  • Refills Processing
  • Send to Pharmacy
  • Problem List
  • Allergy List
  • Medication List
  • Laboratory Database
  • Test Ordering
  • Lab Case Tracking
  • Claim Filing
  • Invoicing & Billing
Office Practicum Features
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
  • Procedure Codes
  • Treatment Planning
  • Transition Care Management (TCM)
  • Patient Education Tools
  • Refills Processing
  • Send to Pharmacy
  • Problem List
  • Allergy List
  • Medication List
  • Laboratory Database
  • Test Ordering
  • Lab Case Tracking
  • Claim Filing
  • Invoicing & Billing

Pros & Cons

Epic Pros & Cons
  • The features that improve the ability to perform research in an educational hospital are present in EPIC
  • To make sure that the right fees are passed to the research study/insurance, there are methods to generate lists of patients, monitor billing, and get tailored alerts
  • Running reports after determining and monitoring participation and advancement of research is simple.
  • There are no cons as such but a suggestion that EPIC should develop new ways that clinicians can come out with that would help them showcase their own unique skills based on their specialty
  • It may look difficult in the beginning
  • But, this way there will be an improvement in clinical efficiency.
Office Practicum Pros & Cons
  • Well-child templates for younger kids work well and logical flows.
  • Could use some refreshed looks, and a few less clicks.


Epic Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The enhanced features for research in this system (e.g. the ability to get to records from other agencies which wok with EPIC) are the reason why we’re continuously using it. Regarding research, invoicing and compliance, this software has been of great help.

The features that improve the ability to perform research in an educational hospital are present in EPIC. To make sure that the right fees are passed to the research study/insurance, there are methods to generate lists of patients, monitor billing, and get tailored alerts. Running reports after determining and monitoring participation and advancement of research is simple.

Some research aspects are non-intuitive. Picking up a few back end reporting systems takes time due to the learning curve present.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Epic Care has a relevant interface suited for the clinical environment and a set up that is rather simple with the new layout with tab sections for the clinician. It coordinates the work and keeps continuity in the facility. Also, it helps to find out how much work still needs to be completed. It is also an important development that our institution is employing a new version which would create a flawless evenness between outpatient and inpatient.

There are no cons as such but a suggestion that EPIC should develop new ways that clinicians can come out with that would help them showcase their own unique skills based on their specialty. It may look difficult in the beginning. But, this way there will be an improvement in clinical efficiency.

Office Practicum Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

At first, I thought this program may be fairly helpful, but it wasn't as user-friendly as their own specially created tool. Instead of catering to the demands of doctors, this software was made for attorneys, government statisticians, and bean counters. It has also grown more complicated and selective over time, with unpredictable logical flow, awkwardly placed buttons, needless shifting of places, and persistent issues.

Well-child templates for younger kids work well and logical flows

Cumbersome data entry, not very user-friendly and gratuitous complexity

Top Critical Review
William Graves
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

There is no way to describe the improved work flows that OP allows for our pediatric practice. Coming from non-specialty EHR, the value is beyond anything we had with our prior vendor.

Incredible patient recall, for focused pop health and well visits

Vaccine forecasting and electronic management

Complex families are easy to manage in the scheduling and billing

Super support team

Focus on adding behavioral health, Whole Child, solutions

Could use some refreshed looks, and a few less clicks


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Epic vs. Office Practicum: Detailed Comparison

Epic vs. Office Practicum Top Ratings & Reviews: Epic

In our rating and review comparison of Epic vs. Office Practicum, Epic has 75 user reviews and Office Practicum has 8. The average star rating for Epic is 4.49 while Office Practicum has an average rating of 3.62. Epic has more positive reviews than Office Practicum. Comparing Epic vs. Office Practicum reviews, Epic has stronger overall reviews.

Epic vs. Office Practicum Best Features & Functionality: Epic

Epic vs. Office Practicum both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Medical Practice Management Features, Patient Management, eRX, Medical Charting, Laboratory Management, Insurance Claim Management, Accounting Features, Cash Flow Management, Portal Types, Customizable Items, File Management, Reporting & Analytics, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Integration Options, Compliance Accreditations, After-Sales Service, Medical Specialties. In our feature comparison of Epic vs. Office Practicum, Epic offers more of the most popular features and tools than Office Practicum.

Epic vs. Office Practicum Best Pricing: Office Practicum

In our pricing comparison of Epic vs. Office Practicum, Office Practicum's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to Office Practicum's starting cost of N/A/month.

Epic vs. Office Practicum Best Usability: Office Practicum

Our comparison of Epic vs. Office Practicum shows that Office Practicum scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, quality of support. Epic scores higher in setup & support, ease of admin, but Office Practicum has the best scores overall for system usability.

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