ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS: Which is Best?

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS Best Overall: ADP Workforce Now

In our comparison of ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS, ADP Workforce Now is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

ADP Workforce Now Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Mid Market, Large Market
IFS Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Mid Market, Large Market


ADP Workforce Now Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

IFS Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


ADP Workforce Now Features
  • Employee Records
  • Employee Profiling
  • Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • Employee Insurance
  • Benefits Administration
  • Company Handbook
  • HR Policy Management
  • Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP)
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
  • Production Planning/Management
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  • Assembly Management
  • Shop Floor Control
  • Job Posting
IFS Features
  • Employee Records
  • Employee Profiling
  • Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • Employee Insurance
  • Benefits Administration
  • Company Handbook
  • HR Policy Management
  • Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP)
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
  • Production Planning/Management
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  • Assembly Management
  • Shop Floor Control
  • Job Posting

Pros & Cons

ADP Workforce Now Pros & Cons
  • Asking for time off and signing up for medical benefits was simple and the discounts given via ADP are great.
  • The software is user-friendly, comprehensive, and it is always stable especially when using a PC
  • On the mobile devices though, at times it is too slow to load or process
  • This has to do with Internet traffic may be
  • The issue with delays or limitation on access to some features happens when their app or website go through an update
  • The software works without a problem otherwise.
IFS Pros & Cons
  • The low-code customization options enable powerful adaptations, ensuring that the system aligns seamlessly with unique business requirements.
  • Subpar support experience
  • Issues escalated to the support team often face extended resolution times, sometimes spanning weeks
  • .


ADP Workforce Now Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Overall, this software is great. Interacting with ADP in an outstanding manner.

Asking for time off and signing up for medical benefits was simple and the discounts given via ADP are great.

The app inaccurately reflects my Vacation Hour at times.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

This software helps the HR and the payroll processing personnel with the burden of payroll processing and data management. It also reduces their headache that comes with the exceedingly annoying and repetitive questions about data that the software now provides them at their fingertips. The employees can track their own time, pay records, PTO information, and benefits related data. The users plan their work by submitting their PTO requests which upon approval are added to the calendars. This allows the staff and the managers to plan with the availability of the staff. You can log into the system from any device that has Internet access, and the functionality is solid no matter which platform you use.

The software is user-friendly, comprehensive, and it is always stable especially when using a PC. On the mobile devices though, at times it is too slow to load or process. This has to do with Internet traffic may be. The issue with delays or limitation on access to some features happens when their app or website go through an update. The software works without a problem otherwise.

IFS Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The system's ability to accommodate custom fields, events, and logical units empowers users with potent low-code customization options. This flexibility ensures that the platform can be tailored to meet diverse and specific needs.

The low-code customization options enable powerful adaptations, ensuring that the system aligns seamlessly with unique business requirements.

Subpar support experience. Issues escalated to the support team often face extended resolution times, sometimes spanning weeks.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The system's ability to accommodate custom fields, events, and logical units empowers users with potent low-code customization options. This flexibility ensures that the platform can be tailored to meet diverse and specific needs.

The low-code customization options enable powerful adaptations, ensuring that the system aligns seamlessly with unique business requirements.

Subpar support experience. Issues escalated to the support team often face extended resolution times, sometimes spanning weeks.


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ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS: Detailed Comparison

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS Top Ratings & Reviews: ADP Workforce Now

In our rating and review comparison of ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS, ADP Workforce Now has 91 user reviews and IFS has 9. The average star rating for ADP Workforce Now is 4.47 while IFS has an average rating of 3.88. ADP Workforce Now has more positive reviews than IFS. Comparing ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS reviews, ADP Workforce Now has stronger overall reviews.

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS Best Features & Functionality: IFS

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Manufacturing/Production Management, Inventory Management, Cash Flow Management, Governance, Risk, & Compliance (GRC), Human Resources (HR) Features, Accounting Features, Project Management Features, Customer Management, Payroll Features, Lead Management, Workforce Optimization, Campaign Management, Reporting & Analytics, Asset Management, Shipping & Logistics, Expense Management, File Management, Collaboration Tools, Portal Types, Workflow Automation, Appointments/Scheduling, Reminders/Alerts, Drag-and-Drop Builders/Designers, Report Management, Data Management, Data Migration, Systems/Administrative, Sync/Refresh, Customizable Items, Third-Party Integrations, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Cybersecurity Features, Disaster Recovery, After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS, IFS offers more of the most popular features and tools than ADP Workforce Now.

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS Best Pricing: IFS

In our pricing comparison of ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS, IFS's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to IFS's starting cost of N/A/month.

ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS Best Usability: IFS

Our comparison of ADP Workforce Now vs. IFS shows that IFS scores higher in usability for learning curve. ADP Workforce Now scores higher in ease of use, meets requirements, setup & support, quality of support, ease of admin, but IFS has the best scores overall for system usability.

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