Biometrics Security Using Fingerprint Scanners in Offices

Biometrics Security Using Fingerprint Scanners in Offices

Biometrics security has become commonplace in the best cybersecurity systems and is a business necessity for system access and sensitive data protection. Smartphones have long used biometrics security as a way to personalize and secure who can access our personal phones. Today, fingerprint scanners and facial recognition are common biometrics security identifiers in smartphones among many other applications requiring highly exclusive security access to business systems.

Likewise, companies are moving towards biometrics security identification to protect confidential data. These systems use the biometrics security of authorized personnel as templates and compare them to previous records to reach the time someone tries to gain access. The person is granted access only if there is a match.

Let’s explore biometrics used in cybersecurity systems and discover how fingerprint readings can be used to allow exclusive access to company data.

What are the Main Types of Biometrics?

Fingerprints, facial, voice, iris, and even palm patterns can be used for biometrics security identification.

Because of the low cost of fingerprint scanning technology, it is more widely used for biometrics security. However, iris scanners are the most reliable and accurate biometrics security identifier if security is a fundamental concern.

Biometrics security authentication is growing in popularity due to its ease of use; it doesn’t require that authorized personnel carry around any tokens such as key cards or remember passwords when using biometric identifiers.

Biometric security scanners are connected to databases that store and compare data. Biometric security software is able to convert scanner biometrics security data into a digital format and compares it with previously recorded data match points to prove a match.

Biometric security data is usually encrypted to protect privacy and is saved on remote servers or devices.

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Where are Biometrics Security Fingerprint Readers Used?

Every individual on earth has a unique fingerprint. The patterns of friction ridges for each individual are different from another; even identical twins have different fingerprints to set them apart. Fingerprints are difficult to alter and remain durable over an individual’s lifetime. This has made fingerprints the ideal biometrics security mode to identify an individual.

Hence, fingerprints are excellent for biometrics security and are used frequently by police stations, security industries, and, more ubiquitous than ever, smartphones.

What Does a Fingerprint Scanner See?

There are multiple ways biometrics security fingerprint scanners are able to read and interpret biometrics security data.

  • Optical scanners: uses a camera to take a digital image of the fingerprint
  • Capacitive or CMOS scanners: electrical current from capacitors form an image of a fingerprint. These are highly precise scanners
  • Ultrasonic fingerprint scanners: high-frequency sound waves are used to penetrate the outermost layer of skin.
  • Thermal scanners: sense the temperature difference between the ridges and values of a fingerprint to create an imprint.

Out of all of the above options, capacitive scanners are the most accurate because a 2D imprint of a fingerprint won’t fool it like we always see in the movies.

Biometric Security Data at Workstations

With the increasingly popular hybrid workplace model we have adopted post-pandemic, remote working has become a way of life. Ignoring IT security is no longer an option.

This poses a security threat to companies when employees in remote locations start to access secure company files via shared home/building Wi-Fi and also use their personal devices for office work.

Putting biometrics security identification scanners can help secure cloud applications and shared drives and in turn, avoid any cybersecurity threats that might come up with this modern workplace model.

Benefits of Biometric Security System

Biometrics are evolving in cybersecurity best practices because of the uniqueness of every fingerprint. Below are more reasons why we think a biometrics security system can be a good investment.

No Need for Replaceable Tokens

If you need to verify your identity using your fingerprint, the odds are that your fingers are always with you, and it’s hard to lose. Therefore, there is no replacement of any tokens that can rack up more company expenses each time an employee loses their identification token when using biometrics security features.

Need for Less Security Staff

The fully automated nature of biometrics security data makes it possible to function with fewer security personnel. Your company can save the costs of hiring a whole security staff to safeguard company property/information.

Highly Efficient

If you have ever used a fingerprint scanner, you would know that biometrics security identification is almost instantaneous. This is much more convenient than having to input a password/PIN/ or any other form of identity authentication method.

Hard to Duplicate

We have already established that fingerprints are always unique; hence, the possibility for duplication is very minute.

Fingerprints are Set for Life

Fingerprints remain the same throughout one’s life. Hence, you can identify your employees for life if needed using duplicate fingerprint records.

Disadvantages of a Biometric Security System

Hard to Recover from a Data Breach

If your biometric security system suffers from a data breach, chances are that your system is null and void. Biometric security systems are an expensive company investment, and you must take more precautions to safeguard such highly sensitive data.

Scanning Challenges

Depending on the reliability of your chosen fingerprint scanner, there might be minor challenges associated. As mentioned earlier, CMOS scanners are the most reliable fingerprint scanner type.

Need for Technical Expertise

To ensure that your biometrics security system is running correctly, you would have to invest in the correct type of technical support along with the expensive equipment cost.

Weather Impact

Scanning your fingerprint during the winter can be a difficult challenge. This can cause unnecessary biometrics security system alerts and breakdowns that won’t otherwise be there during warmer months.

Ways to Improve Biometrics Security

In addition to biometrics security that is physiological such as a fingerprint or iris scan, being able to find a match using behavioral biometrics security can be a way to improve. Liveness detection can be used to detect that the biometrics security identifiers used are a match but also to verify that the person trying to access your systems is physically standing there in order to access it. This would be useful to avoid people trying to fool biometrics security scanners with 2D impressions. Multifactor authentication can reduce the likelihood of such dishonest biometrics security access attempts. Who has access to biometrics security data should also be closely monitored.

Comparing the best cybersecurity software with careful attention to features and pricing will ensure you choose the best options for your business protection. Cybersecurity software reviews are also helpful in learning what other companies like yours find the most beneficial.

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