Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon: Which is Best?

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon: Which is Best?

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon Best Overall: Replicon

In our comparison of Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon, Replicon is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Paychex Flex Time Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
Replicon Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


Paychex Flex Time Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

Replicon Pricing
TimeAttend Quick Start
per user / per month
TimeAttend Plus
per user / per month
Workforce Management
per user / per month
TimeOff Plus
per user / per month
TimeOff Enterprise
per user / per month


Paychex Flex Time Features
  • Timesheets
  • Time Off Management
  • Break Management
  • Attendance Geofencing
  • Forecasting
  • Time Off Reports
  • Mileage Tracking
  • Dashboard
  • Geographical Reporting
  • Accrual Reports
  • Biometric
  • App-Based
  • Paystubs
  • Pay Rates
  • Pay Runs
Replicon Features
  • Timesheets
  • Time Off Management
  • Break Management
  • Attendance Geofencing
  • Forecasting
  • Time Off Reports
  • Mileage Tracking
  • Dashboard
  • Geographical Reporting
  • Accrual Reports
  • Biometric
  • App-Based
  • Paystubs
  • Pay Rates
  • Pay Runs

Pros & Cons

Paychex Flex Time Pros & Cons
  • So, what I like best about Paychex Flex is their amazing customer service
  • Whenever I send an email to their dedicated representatives, they get back to me quickly with thorough and correct explanations
  • Plus, when it comes to PPP loan forgiveness, Paychex Flex provides all the information I need.
  • Although it may be suitable for small companies, I found the UI to be quite outdated, and the reporting features were lacking.
Replicon Pros & Cons
  • Keeping plenty of data pertaining to one subject is possible.
  • The data is exported in a strange way when creating or running reports
  • The pivot tables cannot be created in excel with the given data as there are missing lines in the information.


Paychex Flex Time Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

One of the problems that Paychex solves for us is payroll management. Thanks to Paychex, we have a hands-off approach to payroll, which is both accurate and automatic. Our employees also appreciate how hassle-free it is.

So, what I like best about Paychex Flex is their amazing customer service. Whenever I send an email to their dedicated representatives, they get back to me quickly with thorough and correct explanations. Plus, when it comes to PPP loan forgiveness, Paychex Flex provides all the information I need.

I have to say that the Paychex Flex interface looks like it's from way back in the early 2000s! It can be tough to figure out where to click to find what you're looking for.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

I would highly recommend this product for small businesses, but it may not be able to scale as needed for larger companies.

I really enjoyed using the time card feature in the system. The system was incredibly intuitive and it was easy for me to figure out any issues with payroll.

Although it may be suitable for small companies, I found the UI to be quite outdated, and the reporting features were lacking.

Replicon Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

It is simple to access archived data with ease.

Keeping plenty of data pertaining to one subject is possible.

Adding external records requires some learning.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Using Replicon has provided me a good personal experience with, as I have mentioned in the pros above.

The software is very easy to use. This software helps in completing timesheets, setting up new projects, setting up new Clients, running relevant reports, etc. It also helps to access colleagues’ accounts to rectify problems or complete information.

The data is exported in a strange way when creating or running reports. The pivot tables cannot be created in excel with the given data as there are missing lines in the information.


Paychex Flex Time Alternatives
Replicon Alternatives
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Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon: Detailed Comparison

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon Top Ratings & Reviews: Replicon

In our rating and review comparison of Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon, Replicon has 111 user reviews and Paychex Flex Time has 13. The average star rating for Replicon is 4.63 while Paychex Flex Time has an average rating of 3.30. Replicon has more positive reviews than Paychex Flex Time. Comparing Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon reviews, Replicon has stronger overall reviews.

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon Best Features & Functionality: Replicon

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Attendance Management, Reporting & Analytics, Supported Devices/Hardware, Project Management Features, Customizable Items, Appointments/Scheduling, Systems/Administrative, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Third-Party Integrations, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Limits. In our feature comparison of Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon, Replicon offers more of the most popular features and tools than Paychex Flex Time.

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon Best Pricing: Replicon

In our pricing comparison of Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon, Replicon's pricing starts at Free/month and is more affordable compared to Replicon's starting cost of Free/month.

Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon Best Usability: Replicon

Our comparison of Paychex Flex Time vs. Replicon shows that Replicon scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, setup & support, quality of support, ease of admin. Paychex Flex Time scores higher in , but Replicon has the best scores overall for system usability.

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