DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub: Which is Best?

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub: Which is Best?

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub Best Overall: HubSpot Marketing Hub

In our comparison of DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Marketing Hub is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

DemandCenter Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Small Business, Mid Market
HubSpot Marketing Hub Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


DemandCenter Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Pricing
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per month
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DemandCenter Features
  • Customer Profiling
  • Discount/Promotion Management
  • Lead Generation
  • Campaign Orchestration
  • Lead-Based Campaigns
  • Virtual Event Planning
  • Social Analytics
  • ROI Reports
  • A/B Testing
  • Web Analytics
  • Dashboard
  • Email Reports
  • Campaign Monitoring
  • Behavioral Analytics
  • Engagement Analytics
HubSpot Marketing Hub Features
  • Customer Profiling
  • Discount/Promotion Management
  • Lead Generation
  • Campaign Orchestration
  • Lead-Based Campaigns
  • Virtual Event Planning
  • Social Analytics
  • ROI Reports
  • A/B Testing
  • Web Analytics
  • Dashboard
  • Email Reports
  • Campaign Monitoring
  • Behavioral Analytics
  • Engagement Analytics

Pros & Cons

DemandCenter Pros & Cons
  • eTrigue excels in its ability to automatically capture and qualify leads, providing a real-time platform for efficient lead management
  • It also boasts seamless integration with other marketing tools, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.
  • eTrigue offers a pleasant platform experience, and thus far, there have been no negative experiences or drawbacks.
HubSpot Marketing Hub Pros & Cons
  • One of the best things about Hubspot is its ability to keep track of clients and automate marketing campaigns based on various triggers
  • The platform is also great for building your website
  • But the real standout feature of Hubspot is their amazing support team
  • They are always quick to respond and offer helpful solutions.
  • The free version doesn’t offer much.


DemandCenter Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

eTrigue solves the problem of effectively tracking the performance of lead generation efforts. By utilizing eTrigue's features, you can gain valuable insights into lead generation performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategies accordingly."

eTrigue excels in its ability to automatically capture and qualify leads, providing a real-time platform for efficient lead management. It also boasts seamless integration with other marketing tools, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.

eTrigue offers a pleasant platform experience, and thus far, there have been no negative experiences or drawbacks.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

eTrigue solves the problem of effectively tracking the performance of lead generation efforts. By utilizing eTrigue's features, you can gain valuable insights into lead generation performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategies accordingly."

eTrigue excels in its ability to automatically capture and qualify leads, providing a real-time platform for efficient lead management. It also boasts seamless integration with other marketing tools, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.

eTrigue offers a pleasant platform experience, and thus far, there have been no negative experiences or drawbacks.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

If you are looking for a tool to keep track of clients, build your website, and set up marketing campaigns, Hubspot is a great option. However, be prepared to spend some time learning how to use the platform. And if you do run into any issues, their support team is there to help!

One of the best things about Hubspot is its ability to keep track of clients and automate marketing campaigns based on various triggers. The platform is also great for building your website. But the real standout feature of Hubspot is their amazing support team. They are always quick to respond and offer helpful solutions

While Hubspot offers great functionality, it can be confusing to use at times, especially when it comes to formatting a landing page. However, their support team is quick to offer workarounds and solutions

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

This is an extremely easy and flexible tool to work with. Really made for small businesses.

The free version doesn’t offer much.


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DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub: Detailed Comparison

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub Top Ratings & Reviews: HubSpot Marketing Hub

In our rating and review comparison of DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Marketing Hub has 220 user reviews and DemandCenter has 2. The average star rating for HubSpot Marketing Hub is 4.53 while DemandCenter has an average rating of 4. HubSpot Marketing Hub has more positive reviews than DemandCenter. Comparing DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub reviews, HubSpot Marketing Hub has stronger overall reviews.

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub Best Features & Functionality: HubSpot Marketing Hub

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Customer Management, Campaign Management, Event Management, Reporting & Analytics, Supported Channels, Drag-and-Drop Builders/Designers, Customizable Items, Content Management System (CMS) Features, Systems/Administrative, Cybersecurity Features, Integration Options, Third-Party Integrations, Governance, Risk, & Compliance (GRC), After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Marketing Hub offers more of the most popular features and tools than DemandCenter.

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub Best Pricing: HubSpot Marketing Hub

In our pricing comparison of DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Marketing Hub's pricing starts at Free/month and is more affordable compared to HubSpot Marketing Hub's starting cost of Free/month.

DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub Best Usability: HubSpot Marketing Hub

Our comparison of DemandCenter vs. HubSpot Marketing Hub shows that HubSpot Marketing Hub scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, setup & support, quality of support, ease of admin. DemandCenter scores higher in , but HubSpot Marketing Hub has the best scores overall for system usability.

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