BambooHR vs. Built for Teams: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams: Which is Best?

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams Best Overall: BambooHR

In our comparison of BambooHR vs. Built for Teams, BambooHR is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

BambooHR Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
Built for Teams Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Small Business, Mid Market


BambooHR Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

Built for Teams Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


BambooHR Features
  • Employee Records
  • Employee Profiling
  • Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • Employee Insurance
  • Benefits Administration
  • Company Handbook
  • HR Policy Management
  • Job Posting
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Pre-Hire Checklist
  • Talent Pools
  • Resume Management
  • Candidate Management
  • Candidate Referral Management
Built for Teams Features
  • Employee Records
  • Employee Profiling
  • Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • Employee Insurance
  • Benefits Administration
  • Company Handbook
  • HR Policy Management
  • Job Posting
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Pre-Hire Checklist
  • Talent Pools
  • Resume Management
  • Candidate Management
  • Candidate Referral Management

Pros & Cons

BambooHR Pros & Cons
  • It offers you a solution to all your problems collectively
  • The reporting and tracking features are wonderful
  • It also helps in streamlining the onboarding and exit process.
  • The customer support and tutorials are not sufficient.
Built for Teams Pros & Cons
  • The user-friendly experience of the product is highly appreciated
  • It ensures that navigating and using the system is intuitive and straightforward.
  • I don't have any specific dislikes about the system
  • It seems to meet my needs effectively.


BambooHR Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

On the whole, I highly recommend this app.

It offers you a solution to all your problems collectively. The reporting and tracking features are wonderful. It also helps in streamlining the onboarding and exit process.

The customer support and tutorials are not sufficient.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

On the whole, I highly recommend this app.

It offers you a solution to all your problems collectively. The reporting and tracking features are wonderful. It also helps in streamlining the onboarding and exit process.

The customer support and tutorials are not sufficient.

Built for Teams Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The product solves the problem of efficiently tracking and managing my time off and vacation days at work. It provides a reliable system to keep track of my allocated time off, enabling me to plan and utilize my vacation days effectively. This helps ensure that I can maintain a healthy work-life balance and make the most of my time off.

The user-friendly experience of the product is highly appreciated. It ensures that navigating and using the system is intuitive and straightforward.

I don't have any specific dislikes about the system. It seems to meet my needs effectively.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The product solves the problem of efficiently tracking and managing my time off and vacation days at work. It provides a reliable system to keep track of my allocated time off, enabling me to plan and utilize my vacation days effectively. This helps ensure that I can maintain a healthy work-life balance and make the most of my time off.

The user-friendly experience of the product is highly appreciated. It ensures that navigating and using the system is intuitive and straightforward.

I don't have any specific dislikes about the system. It seems to meet my needs effectively.


BambooHR Alternatives
Built for Teams Alternatives
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BambooHR vs. Built for Teams: Detailed Comparison

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams Top Ratings & Reviews: BambooHR

In our rating and review comparison of BambooHR vs. Built for Teams, BambooHR has 28 user reviews and Built for Teams has 20. The average star rating for BambooHR is 4.78 while Built for Teams has an average rating of 4.55. BambooHR has more positive reviews than Built for Teams. Comparing BambooHR vs. Built for Teams reviews, BambooHR has stronger overall reviews.

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams Best Features & Functionality: BambooHR

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Human Resources (HR) Features, Talent Management , Workforce Optimization, Attendance Management, Payroll Features, Reporting & Analytics, Tax Management, Supported Tax Forms, Customizable Items, Portal Types, File Management, Signature Management, Collaboration Tools, Appointments/Scheduling, Reminders/Alerts, Drag-and-Drop Builders/Designers, Workflow Automation, Project Management Features, Data Management, Data Migration, Systems/Administrative, Sync/Refresh, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Integration Options, Third-Party Integrations, After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of BambooHR vs. Built for Teams, BambooHR offers more of the most popular features and tools than Built for Teams.

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams Best Pricing: Built for Teams

In our pricing comparison of BambooHR vs. Built for Teams, Built for Teams's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to Built for Teams's starting cost of N/A/month.

BambooHR vs. Built for Teams Best Usability: BambooHR

Our comparison of BambooHR vs. Built for Teams shows that BambooHR scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, setup & support, quality of support, ease of admin. Built for Teams scores higher in learning curve, but BambooHR has the best scores overall for system usability.

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