
Ovum Decision Matrix: Selecting a Multichannel Cloud Contact Center Solution in 2016

It can be difficult for enterprises to navigate the broad array of available cloud contact center offerings: with the increased acceptance of cloud among enterprises, as well as the diversity of vendors in the market, the competitive landscape for cloud contact center solutions has become complex.

In this report, Ovum reviews the leading cloud contact center solutions, with particular emphasis on their ability to handle multichannel customer interactions and connect data through analytics. It compares solutions based on the strength of their technology platforms, the views of their customers, and the impact that each company has in the marketplace.

The Ovum Decision Matrix presents the top 10 cloud contact center vendors and delivers:

  •  Detailed market and solutions analysis
  • Comparison of market Leaders, Challengers and Followers, in a decision matrix presenting the most important features of a cloud contact center
  •  Comprehensive analysis of each vendor's strengths and challenges

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