
Developing a Successful Mobile ERP Strategy

Tap into the power and flexibility of mobile ERP. With more on-the-go and telecommuting employees than every before, businesses everywhere are trying to link the features traditionally available through in-office systems to mobile devices and tablets. With mobile ERP, employees throughout a company can access valuable information, carry out simple back end tasks and populate fields of their designated Enterprise Resource Planning System, all through their own personal mobile devices.

However, implementing such a powerful tool needs a well-planned strategy. Read our new paper to get insights on important issues like:

•  Development and Security
•  Mobile ERP Best Practices
•  Design and User Experience

Don’t walk blindly into such a significant transition. Educate yourself on the best ways to craft a forward thinking Mobile ERP strategy.

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Does Google Have Something Like Microsoft Planner?

Does Google Have Something Like Microsoft Planner?

Read more about Google tools that can be used for basic project management tasks and see how those compare with the tools offered by leading project management software like MS Planner.
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