Qlik Cloud
Qlik Cloud
39 reviews
WH Score

Qlik Cloud Overview

What is Qlik Cloud?

Qlik is a business intelligence (BI) software that allows users to explore, analyze, and visualize data in a self-service manner. The software utilizes a unique associative model that allows users to make connections between data points that may not be immediately obvious, enabling them to uncover new insights and patterns.

What is Qlik Used For?

Qlik is used for a variety of purposes, including data visualization, data discovery, and reporting. It can be used to analyze data from multiple sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services. Qlik is particularly useful for businesses looking to gain insights from their data and make data-driven decisions.

What are the Most Important Qlik Features?

Some of the most important Qlik features include:

  • Associative model: Allows users to make connections between data points and uncover new insights.
  • Drag-and-drop interface: Makes it easy for users to create visualizations and reports.
  • Data discovery: Enables users to explore and find insights in their data.
  • Real-time data modeling: Allows users to make real-time changes to their data models.
  • Mobile access: Allows users to access and interact with their data on the go.
  • Collaboration: Enables users to share and collaborate on their visualizations and reports with others.

What are the Top Qlik Benefits?

Some of the top benefits of using Qlik include:

  • The ability to uncover new insights and patterns in data that may take time to be obvious.
  • The ability to make data-driven decisions based on real-time data.
  • The ability to access and interact with data via mobile access.
  • The ability to easily share and collaborate on visualizations and reports with others.
  • The ability to easily integrate with other data sources and systems.

What are the Main Qlik Competitive Differentiators?

Qlik differentiates itself from other BI software by offering a unique associative model that allows users to connect data points and uncover new insights. This is in contrast to traditional BI software, which typically requires users to specify the relationships between data points in advance. Additionally, Qlik's drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for users to create visualizations and reports, even if they need more technical expertise. Furthermore, Qlik allows real-time data modeling, enabling users to make real-time changes to their data models.


Qlik Cloud Recent Reviews

Reviewed on 14 December 2023

Insightful Visualizations

Qlik Sense excels in its customizable dashboards, charts, and graphs. This flexibility allows tailoring data presentations to specific audiences and seamlessly integrating diverse data sources and connectors, maximizing information accessibility.

  • The platform's intuitive interface empowers users to create interactive and informative visualizations, unlocking complex data insights with clarity
  • Functions and filters further simplify search and data export in various formats, catering to varying user needs.
  • While user-friendly, Qlik Sense presents a learning curve, requiring time and effort to fully master its functionalities
  • This can be an initial obstacle for some users unaccustomed to complex data analysis platforms.

Reviewed on 6 December 2023

Vizualization Mastery

From intuitive pie charts to intricate scatterplots, Qlik Sense empowers us to tell compelling data stories. The plethora of customization options and interactive features allows us to tailor visualizations to specific audiences, maximizing the impact of insights.

  • It serves as a central hub for all data and reports, eliminating information silos and ensuring accessibility for data stewards and consumers alike
  • Compared to competitors offering similar functionality, Qlik Sense remains competitive, its advanced features ultimately justifying the expenditure.

Qlik Cloud Pricing

per user / per month
Qlik Cloud Pricing Details

Qlik Cloud Key Features

Data Management

  • Data Indexing
  • Data Classification
  • Data Discovery
  • Data Mapping
  • Data Refresh
  • Data Lookup
  • Data Drilling
  • Data Storytelling
  • Data Merge
  • Data Feed

Data Migration

  • Data Import
  • Data Export

Reporting & Analytics

  • Sales Analytics
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Social Analytics
  • Forecasting
  • Geocoding
  • Data Visualization
  • Dashboard
  • Geographical Reporting
  • Query Tables
  • Usage Analytics
  • Conversation Analytics
  • Data Analytics
  • Search Analytics
Qlik Cloud Features Details

Qlik Cloud Media

Qlik Cloud Videos

Qlik Cloud Wheelhouse Score

What is this?

The Average Wheelhouse score for the Business Intelligence (BI) category is 8.3

Qlik Cloud User Scores

  • Ease of Use
  • Meets Requirements
  • Learning Curve
  • Setup & Support
  • Quality of Support
  • Ease of Admin

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