Synel vs. TimeOut: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

Synel vs. TimeOut: Which is Best?

Synel vs. TimeOut Best Overall: TimeOut

In our comparison of Synel vs. TimeOut, TimeOut is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Synel Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
TimeOut Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


Synel Pricing
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* Vendor does not share prices.

TimeOut Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


Synel Features
  • Timesheets
  • Time Off Management
  • Break Management
  • Shift Management
  • Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Time Tracking
  • Attendance Reports
  • Overtime Reports
  • Payroll Reports
  • Time Off Reports
  • Dashboard
  • Time Summary
  • Manual
  • Biometric
  • Resource Planning
TimeOut Features
  • Timesheets
  • Time Off Management
  • Break Management
  • Shift Management
  • Employee Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Time Tracking
  • Attendance Reports
  • Overtime Reports
  • Payroll Reports
  • Time Off Reports
  • Dashboard
  • Time Summary
  • Manual
  • Biometric
  • Resource Planning

Pros & Cons

Synel Pros & Cons
  • Innovative , easily accessible through the app, measures team productivity.
  • Currently, some features are not fully functional and may still be in the testing phase, limiting their availability to all users, especially in areas such as HR features
  • Having access to all features would greatly enhance the management of HR capabilities within an organization.
TimeOut Pros & Cons
  • It has excellent functionality
  • After sending your request, it is possible to add messages or comments
  • It monitors days off, stat vacations, etc
  • well
  • All stat vacations and days reserved off in the calendar are highlighted by the system
  • Requests are sent to the overseers for approval via the system.
  • When staff PTO requests would be put in red, the system didn’t flag
  • It was tedious to perform some tasks.


Synel Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

With features like scheduling, detailed reporting, insightful dashboards, and time and attendance tracking, this workforce management system is very creative and easy to use. Notable features include the biometric attendance feature and the mobile app. Although it costs a little more than its rivals, it's a one-stop shop that encourages productivity, efficiency, agility, and digitization.

Innovative , easily accessible through the app, measures team productivity

Expensive and technical knowledge is needed to use

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Synel serves as a valuable tool for workforce management, benefiting multiple aspects of employee activity management, including timesheet tracking, leave and absence tracking, and generating analytics-based reports. It also offers payroll reporting functionalities. By providing these capabilities, Synel enables efficient workforce management and simplifies various activities related to employee management within the company."

I appreciate the diverse range of features provided by Synel, which greatly contribute to saving time and effort in various day-to-day activities essential for tracking employees' activities, planning, and analytics. Features such as shift scheduling, time tracking, and team communication are particularly beneficial for managing different teams and the organization as a whole. Additionally, the platform's role and access management capabilities are valuable for onboarding new team members and effectively managing existing employees.

Currently, some features are not fully functional and may still be in the testing phase, limiting their availability to all users, especially in areas such as HR features. Having access to all features would greatly enhance the management of HR capabilities within an organization.

TimeOut Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Monitoring my holiday days and stat vacations on a simulated calendar is possible. Sending requests for days off to my manager for approval or disapproval is possible. It enhances great organization. Monitoring my remaining days in the year and the accumulated days to now is possible.

It has excellent functionality. After sending your request, it is possible to add messages or comments. It monitors days off, stat vacations, etc. well. All stat vacations and days reserved off in the calendar are highlighted by the system. Requests are sent to the overseers for approval via the system.

It has an old-fashioned appearance.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The first software to be used by our organization to monitor PTO past email and excel was TimeOut. Regarding organization visibility, auditing records, and dependability, it was extremely useful.

It is very adaptable, it has a mobile app, all staff have access to it, and its collaboration with Outlook is great.

When staff PTO requests would be put in red, the system didn’t flag. It was tedious to perform some tasks


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Synel vs. TimeOut: Detailed Comparison

Synel vs. TimeOut Top Ratings & Reviews: TimeOut

In our rating and review comparison of Synel vs. TimeOut, TimeOut has 16 user reviews and Synel has 9. The average star rating for TimeOut is 4.56 while Synel has an average rating of 4.33. TimeOut has more positive reviews than Synel. Comparing Synel vs. TimeOut reviews, TimeOut has stronger overall reviews.

Synel vs. TimeOut Best Features & Functionality: TimeOut

Synel vs. TimeOut both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Attendance Management, Human Resources (HR) Features, Reporting & Analytics, Clock-In/Clock-Out Options, Payroll Features, Project Management Features, Reminders/Alerts, Workflow Automation, Integration Options. In our feature comparison of Synel vs. TimeOut, TimeOut offers more of the most popular features and tools than Synel.

Synel vs. TimeOut Best Pricing: TimeOut

In our pricing comparison of Synel vs. TimeOut, TimeOut's pricing starts at 0/month and is more affordable compared to TimeOut's starting cost of 0/month.

Synel vs. TimeOut Best Usability: TimeOut

Our comparison of Synel vs. TimeOut shows that TimeOut scores higher in usability for setup & support, ease of admin. Synel scores higher in ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, quality of support, but TimeOut has the best scores overall for system usability.

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