Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3: Which is Best?

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3: Which is Best?

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 Best Overall: Infor M3

In our comparison of Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3, Infor M3 is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Deltek ComputerEase Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Small Business, Mid Market
Infor M3 Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


Deltek ComputerEase Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

Infor M3 Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


Deltek ComputerEase Features
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
  • Production Planning/Management
  • Payment Processing
  • Revenue Management
  • Item Tracking & Traceability
  • Item Expiration Tracking
  • Procurement/Replenishment Optimization
  • Purchasing
  • Product Catalog
  • Kitting
  • Vendor/Supplier Management
  • Order/Delivery Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Space & Floor Planning
  • Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO)
Infor M3 Features
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
  • Production Planning/Management
  • Payment Processing
  • Revenue Management
  • Item Tracking & Traceability
  • Item Expiration Tracking
  • Procurement/Replenishment Optimization
  • Purchasing
  • Product Catalog
  • Kitting
  • Vendor/Supplier Management
  • Order/Delivery Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Space & Floor Planning
  • Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO)

Pros & Cons

Deltek ComputerEase Pros & Cons
  • The fact that it is cloud-based is a significant advantage
  • It offers convenience and accessibility for our accounting needs
  • Additionally, the software is relatively user-friendly, and we appreciate having local support available to assist us.
  • One area of concern is the methods available for error correction
  • Additionally, the lack of integration with other accounting systems is a drawback.
Infor M3 Pros & Cons
  • Infor is a customizable platform that can map significant opportunities, target profitable prospects, and manage leads.
  • Multiple pop-up windows can be distracting and there is a slight learning curve.


Deltek ComputerEase Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The primary issue we are solving with this accounting software is the need for a reliable accounting solution. It provides us with the necessary tools to manage our financial processes. However, it's worth noting that while the software has met our basic accounting needs, there may be limitations as we continue to expand and require more advanced functionality.

The fact that it is cloud-based is a significant advantage. It offers convenience and accessibility for our accounting needs. Additionally, the software is relatively user-friendly, and we appreciate having local support available to assist us.

Compared to other options, the software is not as intuitive and user-friendly. As our company has grown, we have found that the software doesn't meet all of our requirements. Additionally, the cloud-based software utilizes Citrix, which is not the most reliable platform. The support can also be slow and challenging to reach at times.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The product aids in streamlining EFT payroll for employees, offering efficient processing and secure electronic fund transfers. This results in simplified payroll management and improved financial operations."

I particularly value the module-based structure of the program, which allows for convenient access to various functionalities and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

One area of concern is the methods available for error correction. Additionally, the lack of integration with other accounting systems is a drawback.

Infor M3 Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Infor is a customizable platform that can map significant opportunities, target profitable prospects, and manage leads.

It would be great if ERP is included in the package. The analytic visualization needs to be polished as well.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

This served as a great guide to assess the future of our supply chain functions. The user-friendly dashboards gives a great overview to make better decisions

User-friendly dashboards

Multiple pop-up windows can be distracting and there is a slight learning curve


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Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3: Detailed Comparison

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 Top Ratings & Reviews: Infor M3

In our rating and review comparison of Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3, Infor M3 has 31 user reviews and Deltek ComputerEase has 12. The average star rating for Infor M3 is 3.80 while Deltek ComputerEase has an average rating of 3.25. Infor M3 has more positive reviews than Deltek ComputerEase. Comparing Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 reviews, Infor M3 has stronger overall reviews.

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 Best Features & Functionality: Infor M3

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Manufacturing/Production Management, Inventory Management, Cash Flow Management, Governance, Risk, & Compliance (GRC), Asset Management, Accounting Features, Project Management Features, Shipping & Logistics, File Management, Collaboration Tools, Portal Types, Workflow Automation, Appointments/Scheduling, Reminders/Alerts, Drag-and-Drop Builders/Designers, Reporting & Analytics, Report Management, Data Management, Data Migration, Systems/Administrative, Customizable Items, Integration Options, Third-Party Integrations, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Cybersecurity Features, After-Sales Service, Supported Technologies, Language & Speech. In our feature comparison of Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3, Infor M3 offers more of the most popular features and tools than Deltek ComputerEase.

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 Best Pricing: Infor M3

In our pricing comparison of Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3, Infor M3's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to Infor M3's starting cost of N/A/month.

Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 Best Usability: Infor M3

Our comparison of Deltek ComputerEase vs. Infor M3 shows that Infor M3 scores higher in usability for meets requirements, setup & support, quality of support. Deltek ComputerEase scores higher in ease of use, learning curve, ease of admin, but Infor M3 has the best scores overall for system usability.

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