CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet: Which is Best?

CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet Best Overall: CMW Tracker

In our comparison of CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet, CMW Tracker is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

CMW Tracker Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
Smartsheet Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


CMW Tracker Pricing
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* Vendor does not share prices.

Smartsheet Pricing
per user / per month
per user / per month
per user / per month
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CMW Tracker Features
  • Project Prioritization
  • Workflow Management
  • Review/Approval Management
  • Request Management
  • Escalation Management
  • Scope Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Job Costing
  • Create Tasks
  • Assign Tasks
  • Share Tasks
  • Scrum
  • Custom Greetings
  • Custom Templates
  • Custom Branding
Smartsheet Features
  • Project Prioritization
  • Workflow Management
  • Review/Approval Management
  • Request Management
  • Escalation Management
  • Scope Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Job Costing
  • Create Tasks
  • Assign Tasks
  • Share Tasks
  • Scrum
  • Custom Greetings
  • Custom Templates
  • Custom Branding

Pros & Cons

CMW Tracker Pros & Cons
  • Planning is swift and smooth with Comindware
  • You can simply choose the steps you consider as your priority.
    Smartsheet Pros & Cons
    • Smartsheet is based in the cloud, which makes it very easy to access
    • It is also packed with a lot of features and offers a quick implementation process
    • My favourite though is its ability to simplify complicated tasks
    • These things make the program a worthy investment.
    • Their maintenance timing is not aligned with our timings as we work from Sunday to Thursday
    • Autosave should also be improved
    • Development of a project is sometimes quite difficult and if a document is not saved properly, it can create a lot of problems.


    CMW Tracker Reviews
    Top Favorable Review
    Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

    Very well organized features which allow excellent project execution. Both on-premises and online solutions work great which are available for mobile apps for iPhone and Android.

    Planning is swift and smooth with Comindware. You can simply choose the steps you consider as your priority.

    Project Portfolio Management should also be added.

    Top Critical Review
    Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

    Great visibility over the complete process of project development. Many projects can be managed at the same time. Organizing different tasks is also amazingly done by Comindware.

    The dashboard helps to navigate message board, forum boards, emails, and contact points.

    Modification, collaboration, discussion, and sharing makes it highly recommendable.

    Smartsheet Reviews
    Top Favorable Review
    Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

    Smartsheet has helped us get through most of the business challenges that we came across. It’s a great program equipped with advanced features to make countless complicated tasks a whole lot easier. Responsive customer service is also a great plus!

    Smartsheet is based in the cloud, which makes it very easy to access. It is also packed with a lot of features and offers a quick implementation process. My favourite though is its ability to simplify complicated tasks. These things make the program a worthy investment.

    My biggest issue with the program is that it is so hard to make backups. The system lacks an automatic backup feature that would have made the entire process a lot easier. I wish they can add this feature someday.

    Top Critical Review
    Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

    Our team works remotely and many of the times different workers from different places are working on the same document. SmartSheet makes delegation and tracking of tasks easier. Anyone from anywhere can go to check our resource allocation and budget. Changes can also be observed by the whole team. Its ability to track real-time workflow is awesome. Highly recommended!

    I can now manage my resources, cost and time by using SmartSheet. It helps us a lot with difficult projects in tracking timeline through Gantt charts, establish critical paths, manage team resources, analyze budget and costs, sharing through OneDrive, Skype and even the app. Intuitive, flexible, user-friendly and uncomplicated app. Formatting is easy as it works like a spreadsheet. 30 days trial period allows us to test it before purchasing it.

    Their maintenance timing is not aligned with our timings as we work from Sunday to Thursday. Autosave should also be improved. Development of a project is sometimes quite difficult and if a document is not saved properly, it can create a lot of problems.


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    CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet: Detailed Comparison

    CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet Top Ratings & Reviews: CMW Tracker

    In our rating and review comparison of CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet, CMW Tracker has 12 user reviews and Smartsheet has 102. The average star rating for CMW Tracker is 4.75 while Smartsheet has an average rating of 4.56. CMW Tracker has more positive reviews than Smartsheet. Comparing CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet reviews, CMW Tracker has stronger overall reviews.

    CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet Best Features & Functionality: CMW Tracker

    CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Project Management Features, Task Management, Project Management Methodology, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Integrations, Collaboration Tools, Document Management, Chat/IM Management, Reminders/Alerts, Cash Flow Management, Layout Types, Chart Types, Reporting & Analytics, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Features, Systems/Administrative, Integration Options, Third-Party Integrations, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Accounting Features, Governance, Risk, & Compliance (GRC), After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet, CMW Tracker offers more of the most popular features and tools than Smartsheet.

    CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet Best Pricing: Smartsheet

    In our pricing comparison of CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet, Smartsheet's pricing starts at Free/month and is more affordable compared to Smartsheet's starting cost of Free/month.

    CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet Best Usability: CMW Tracker

    Our comparison of CMW Tracker vs. Smartsheet shows that CMW Tracker scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, learning curve, quality of support, ease of admin. Smartsheet scores higher in setup & support, but CMW Tracker has the best scores overall for system usability.

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