Identity and Access Management (IAM) Software Buyer's Guide

2024 Identity & Access Management (IAM) Solutions Buyer's Guide

IAM software is designed to centralize, streamline, and fortify the management of user identities and their access to organizational resources. IAM is a cornerstone of cybersecurity, providing a comprehensive structure for managing digital identities and access privileges. By proficiently implementing IAM, organizations can substantially diminish cyber risk, safeguard sensitive data, and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

This buyer's guide takes you through the intricacies of IAM software selection, empowering you to make choices that align with your organizational goals and security priorities. 

IAM Solutions: Key Features to Consider

  • Core Access and Authentication Capabilities: Assess the security features of the IAM solution, including Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), encryption, and adaptive access controls. Ensure that the solution aligns with your organization's security policies and provides a robust defense against cyber threats.
  • User Lifecycle Management: Evaluate how well the IAM solution facilitates user onboarding, offboarding, and transitions. An efficient IAM system should streamline these processes, ensuring that user access aligns with their roles and responsibilities.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Consider the convenience and security benefits of Single Sign-On (SSO). IAM solutions with SSO capabilities allow users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials, reducing password-related risks and enhancing user experience.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Granular access control is crucial for security and compliance. Your IAM solution of choice should provide the flexibility to define and enforce access policies based on roles, ensuring that individuals have the right level of access for their specific duties.
  • Compliance Adherence: Ensure that your IAM solution supports regulatory compliance requirements relevant to your industry and/or country. Look for features that provide audit trails, access logs, and tools to manage access in compliance with standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS.
  • Automation Features: Consider the level of automation offered by the IAM solution. Automation can reduce the manual effort required for routine tasks, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring consistent enforcement of access policies.
  • Integration Capabilities: Evaluate how well the IAM solution integrates with your existing IT infrastructure. Seamless integration with other security tools, applications, and cloud services is essential for creating a unified and cohesive security ecosystem.

Questions to Ask When Searching for IAM Vendors

Investing in IAM software is an investment in the foundation of your organization's cybersecurity. By asking these questions and addressing problems that have been identified, organizations can make informed decisions when choosing an IAM solution that aligns with their unique security requirements and business goals. 

Questions your teams can ask prior to stepping into the IAM vendor market include:

  • Have there been access and/or identity breaches in the past? If so, where did they originate from?
  • Has your organization implemented multi-factor authentication yet?
  • Which forms of authentication (biometric, knowledge-based, PIN-based etc.) are ideal for your organization?
  • Do different stakeholders require varied access policies?
  • Has there been alert fatigue, whereupon numerous access-related false positives have been discovered?

Breaking the ice with these questions shall help both IT and non-IT teams uncover key insights pertaining to where gaps lie when it comes to your organization's access-related policies, so these can be conveyed to prospective vendors when seeking demos and trials of their products.

How to Shortlist Suitable IAM Vendors

  1. Use your business assessment as primary reference when reaching out to vendors: this should be based on discussions had previously when the above questions were posed.
  2. Compare products online, and also ask colleagues you trust for recommendations: doing the best of both can help you narrow your list of IAM vendor prospects with better confidence.
  3. Research the reputation of your prospective IAM solution vendor: look for customer reviews, testimonials, and the vendor's track record in delivering reliable and secure IAM solutions. Additionally, consider the quality of customer support and available training resources. 
  4. Calculate your Return on Investment (ROI): Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including licensing, implementation, and ongoing maintenance costs. Assess the potential return on investment by considering the security benefits, operational efficiency gains, and the solution's contribution to overall risk reduction.
  5. Start small if needed: When you're ready to start working with a suitable IAM vendor, implement a solution on a smaller scale, so your teams are able to familiarize themselves, while also allowing them to discern long-term viability.

If you'd like to compare IAM vendors side-by-side, jump to our IAM solutions page to get started.

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