Kantata vs. TestRail: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

Kantata vs. TestRail: Which is Best?

Kantata vs. TestRail Best Overall: Kantata

In our comparison of Kantata vs. TestRail, Kantata is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Kantata Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
TestRail Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


Kantata Pricing
Price Range
Contact Us

* Vendor does not share prices.

TestRail Pricing
TestRail Professional Cloud
per year
TestRail Professional Server
per year
TestRail Enterprise Cloud
per year
TestRail Enterprise Server
per year


Kantata Features
  • Workflow Management
  • Request Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Create Tasks
  • Assign Tasks
  • Custom Fields
  • Custom Workflows
  • Custom Templates
  • Test Cases
  • Test Runs
  • Workspace
  • File Sharing
  • Group Chat
  • Backup Scheduling
  • Recurring Tasks
TestRail Features
  • Workflow Management
  • Request Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Create Tasks
  • Assign Tasks
  • Custom Fields
  • Custom Workflows
  • Custom Templates
  • Test Cases
  • Test Runs
  • Workspace
  • File Sharing
  • Group Chat
  • Backup Scheduling
  • Recurring Tasks

Pros & Cons

Kantata Pros & Cons
  • Mavenlink is a great accelerator to the productivity of work
  • Easy to use and integrate
  • Analysis activities are quite easy with Mavenlink.
  • None.
TestRail Pros & Cons
  • I really like how easy it is to use, and how it helps me maintain my test assets
  • It's also great that it can integrate with other tools and has features like SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) that let me use my preferred identity provider
  • The customizable email notifications are also handy, and I appreciate the ability to configure backup windows and do on-demand restores for cloud instances
  • The project administration features are also really advanced, and I'm happy with the enhanced API performance
  • Plus, the enterprise-grade support and personalized 1:1 Enterprise Expert training are amazing.
  • The reporting feature could be better and more focused on business needs.


Kantata Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Mavenlink is a great accelerator to the productivity of work. Easy to use and integrate. Analysis activities are quite easy with Mavenlink.

Sending messages in the comment section is a little problem. It should be resolved as soon as possible.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

It really eased my work while using it every day.

Learning and operating is extremely fast and simple.


TestRail Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

I use it to assess the quality of my products and analyze release data from the past. And the SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) feature, audit logs, customizable email notifications, configurable backup and restore for cloud instances, advanced project administration, enhanced API performance (for cloud instances), enterprise-grade support, and personalized 1:1 Enterprise Expert training have all been extremely helpful in achieving these goals.

I really like how easy it is to use, and how it helps me maintain my test assets. It's also great that it can integrate with other tools and has features like SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) that let me use my preferred identity provider. The customizable email notifications are also handy, and I appreciate the ability to configure backup windows and do on-demand restores for cloud instances. The project administration features are also really advanced, and I'm happy with the enhanced API performance. Plus, the enterprise-grade support and personalized 1:1 Enterprise Expert training are amazing.

The reporting feature could be better and more focused on business needs.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

I use it to assess the quality of my products and analyze release data from the past. And the SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) feature, audit logs, customizable email notifications, configurable backup and restore for cloud instances, advanced project administration, enhanced API performance (for cloud instances), enterprise-grade support, and personalized 1:1 Enterprise Expert training have all been extremely helpful in achieving these goals.

I really like how easy it is to use, and how it helps me maintain my test assets. It's also great that it can integrate with other tools and has features like SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) that let me use my preferred identity provider. The customizable email notifications are also handy, and I appreciate the ability to configure backup windows and do on-demand restores for cloud instances. The project administration features are also really advanced, and I'm happy with the enhanced API performance. Plus, the enterprise-grade support and personalized 1:1 Enterprise Expert training are amazing.

The reporting feature could be better and more focused on business needs.


Kantata Alternatives
TestRail Alternatives
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Kantata vs. TestRail: Detailed Comparison

Kantata vs. TestRail Top Ratings & Reviews: TestRail

In our rating and review comparison of Kantata vs. TestRail, TestRail has 3 user reviews and Kantata has 99. The average star rating for TestRail is 4.33 while Kantata has an average rating of 4.24. TestRail has more positive reviews than Kantata. Comparing Kantata vs. TestRail reviews, TestRail has stronger overall reviews.

Kantata vs. TestRail Best Features & Functionality: Kantata

Kantata vs. TestRail both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Project Management Features, Task Management, Customizable Items, Collaboration Tools, Document Management, Chat/IM Management, Workflow Automation, Cash Flow Management, Chart Types, Reporting & Analytics, Systems/Administrative, Integration Options, Third-Party Integrations, Microsoft 365, Accounting Features, Data Management, After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of Kantata vs. TestRail, Kantata offers more of the most popular features and tools than TestRail.

Kantata vs. TestRail Best Pricing: TestRail

In our pricing comparison of Kantata vs. TestRail, TestRail's pricing starts at $34/month and is more affordable compared to TestRail's starting cost of $34/month.

Kantata vs. TestRail Best Usability: TestRail

Our comparison of Kantata vs. TestRail shows that TestRail scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, setup & support. Kantata scores higher in learning curve, quality of support, ease of admin, but TestRail has the best scores overall for system usability.

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